Stewed potatoes with mushrooms

Stewed potatoes with mushrooms can be served to the table and as an independent full dish, and as a side dish to meat. Mushrooms can be used any - fresh, dried, frozen or even pickled. Let's not waste time in vain and cook with you stewed potatoes with mushrooms.

Recipe for stewed potatoes with mushrooms



Potatoes are cleaned, washed and cut into small slices. Then we put it in a saucepan or pot, pour cold water and put it on the fire. In the meantime, we take mushrooms, thoroughly washed, thoroughly dried and shredded in small pieces. Carrots are cleaned and three on a large grater. Peeled onions are crushed with cubes


Now take the pan, pour a little vegetable oil and reheat it. Fry first to softness onions, then add the carrots, mix and continue to pass on medium heat. At the very end we spread mushrooms and fry until all the liquid evaporates. After that, roast the salt and pepper to taste, stir.

When the potatoes begin to boil, add to it a laurel leaf and a few peas of sweet pepper. If desired, you can throw in the pan a peeled and washed garlic squeezed through a press.

As soon as the potatoes begin to become soft, spread to it fried with onions and carrots mushrooms, mix, sprinkle with salt and spices to taste. If necessary, pour a little more water, cover the pan with a lid and simmer on a small fire until completely ready, periodically stirring. That's all, potato stew with mushrooms is ready!

Braised potatoes with pickled mushrooms in a multivariate



Marinated mushrooms cut into several parts. We clean the onions from the husk and shred small cubes. Potatoes are washed, cleaned and cut into cubes or large cubes. Next, pour a little vegetable oil into the bowl of the multivarka, turn on the appliance in the net, set the program "Frying", and as soon as the oil warms up, start the chopped onion, and stirring it, fry it for 10 minutes. Then spread the mushrooms, mix and cook together with onions for 2 minutes.

After that, add potatoes and leave to fry in the same mode for another 5 minutes, without forgetting to stir. Next, turn off the multivark, season the dish with spices to your taste, salt, pour in the cream and mix the contents of the bowl thoroughly, close the device with a lid and set the "Quenching" mode for 40 minutes. As soon as the ready signal sounds, immediately serve the aromatic potato with mushrooms in a creamy sauce, decorating the dish, fresh greens.

Potatoes, stewed with dried mushrooms



Dried mushrooms pre-pour boiling water and leave for several hours. Then cut them together with onions and pass on fat. Peeled potatoes shred by large slices, fry lightly and shifted together with mushrooms to the scallop, bay to the top with water. Add salt, laurel leaf, pepper, parsley and, covering with a lid, stew on faint fire. After about 35 minutes, potatoes stewed with dried mushrooms are ready!