Persimmon "Sharon" - good and bad

Persimmon "Sharon" is not an ordinary fruit, but a hybrid that mixes an apple and a Japanese persimmon. Unlike ordinary persimmons, this variety lacks the characteristic astringent taste and bones, which makes this product ideal for a festive table and a large number of beautiful snacks. The flesh of this fruit is hard, like an apple, but the taste is tender, like an apricot. From this article you will learn about the peculiarities, benefits and harms of persimmons "Sharon".

How many calories are in the persimmon "Sharon"?

Unlike ordinary persimmons, the variety "Sharon" has a caloric content of 60 kcal per 100 g of product. With apparent ease, it can be noted that simple carbohydrates predominate in this fetus, that is, sugars that give persimmon its delicate taste, but at the same time make it unsafe for harmony.

In order to use the persimmon "Sharon" to affect your figure, eat it in the morning, when the metabolism of the body works quickly.

It is not recommended to eat persimmon after eating - it is best to allocate a separate meal for her, and ideally it should be somewhere between breakfast and lunch. It is in the morning that any fruit, as well as a sugar-containing product in general, is digested better and does not harm the figure.

Why persimmon is useful?

There are many useful properties of persimmons that make this delicacy not only tasty, but also positively affecting the body as a whole.

  1. Persimmon is useful for the normalization of the cardiovascular system, including atherosclerosis or high blood pressure. It is believed that only a week of regular consumption of this fruit can solve many problems in this area.
  2. Persimmon raises hemoglobin and on the whole positively influences blood composition, which allows using it as an excellent preventive agent.
  3. Persimmons are used to treat certain disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, but it is not used after surgery.
  4. Drinking persimmon helps improve liver and kidney function.
  5. Persimmon has a great effect on women's health and is indicated in pregnancy.
  6. The use of persimmon is possible not only inside, but also outwardly: from it you can make a magnificent and effective face mask that will tighten the skin and return it a healthy color.

Talking about the benefits and harm of persimmons "Sharon", we can not fail to mention that its use is not recommended for diabetes, gastritis and obesity.