How to take polysorb for weight loss?

Experts advise to start combating excess kilograms with body cleansing, after all, slagging is often the cause of atherosclerosis , constipation and other problems that accompany obesity. Today on sale you can find a lot of different sorbents, which have the above effect. How to take polysorb for weight loss, will be described below.

How does he work?

This sorbent cleanses the body of toxins and toxins and other decomposition products, thereby normalizing digestion and speeding up the metabolism. The fact is that in the human body, suffering from obesity, dangerous endotoxins accumulate, which disrupt the digestive system. Bad bile is produced, the process of splitting fat is upset, which leads to constipation, heaviness in the stomach, increased gas production. Sedentary lifestyle and malnutrition are exacerbating the problem and even having made a decision to lose weight, a person does not know how to start, how to start a mechanism for normal processing of incoming food.

Polysorb for weight loss acts as a trigger, and how to drink it will be described below. The drug improves the work of all digestive organs, clears the body of "bad" cholesterol, thereby increasing the capacity of blood vessels and reducing the risk of thrombosis. In addition, as a result of its reception, the skin is cleansed, acne and other problems are eliminated.

How should I take polysorb correctly?

Polysorb MP for weight loss should be taken as indicated in the instructions. At a time you can drink 2 tsp. powder with a slide, stirring in ½ cup of water. The drug should be taken twice during the entire waking period, regardless of food intake. Those who are interested in how to properly take polysorb for weight loss , should know that in any case, the maximum daily dose should not exceed 20 g from the calculation that one teaspoon contains 1 gram of active ingredient.

Those who ask how often it is possible to take polysorbate, it is worth noting that the course of therapy is 10-14 days. To prolong it at will is not recommended, since the sorbent binds and removes from the body not only the products of decay, but also the necessary and nutrients, and this is extremely undesirable and with prolonged exposure it is fraught with beriberi and other problems. In addition, during therapy it is recommended to follow a diet, giving up high-calorie foods and increasing their motor activity. Only if these conditions are met can we expect a good result.