Mustard wrap for weight loss

Home beauty procedures compete with salons. Is there a difference in their effectiveness? Hitherto, this is unknown. But there is a difference in value. Therefore, before you register in the salon for wrapping, try to cope with this simple procedure and pass the "course" of mustard wraps at home.


Mustard makes the skin velvety, relieves it of the upper layer of cornwall. Under the influence of the heat of mustard, cell nutrition and metabolism are enhanced, and as a result, toxins accumulated under the skin in the form of uneven orange peel are removed, along with excess fluid.

With the help of wraps with mustard powder, you will be able to lose a few centimeters at the waist, lose weight in the problem areas and gain a clearer and more attractive outline of the body.


Before you start wrapping yourself, draw a certain "preparation".

  1. We clean the skin with a scrub (you can make homemade salt from sea salt) and massage wool.
  2. Wipe the skin dry.
  3. We prepare the mixture for wrapping.

Preparation of mustard mixture

To answer the question of how to make a mustard wrap is easy, because the most elementary way is to dilute the mustard powder with warm boiled water to a gruel-like mixture. But it is possible and to aggravate this process for our own benefit.

Recipe 1



Mix all the ingredients and add warm water to the desired consistency.

Recipe 2

If you are afraid that vinegar will be too zealous irritant for your skin, we recommend using 1 tablespoon instead. honey (it should be warmed up in a water bath), and add blue or black clay when mixing. Both clay and honey will add an indescribable benefit to the wrap, because besides a full set of vitamins in honey, clay also contains magnesium, silicon, calcium and iron.

Precautionary measures

Before you start applying the mixture to problem areas, make sure that you do not have allergies to mustard - apply a little bit on your skin and wait 5 minutes. If there is no reaction, but there is only a slight sensation of heat, boldly proceed.


So, we proceed to the most mustard wrap for weight loss. We put the mixture in a thin layer, massage movements on the hips, abdomen, buttocks, waist - who needs what. We wrap ourselves in a food film, put on warm clothes, tights, padded trousers of the husband-fisherman, we climb under a rug and we wait 30 minutes.

After the time, remove the mixture with a napkin, and rinse the remainder in the shower without soap. Wipe and to avoid irritation, as well as to enhance the effect of applying anti-cellulite cream.

Rules and precautions

Mustard wraps are a great remedy for cellulite and excess weight , however, you also need to know the measure here. Do not spend more than two procedures a week, and the general course for a real effect should consist of no less than 10-15 procedures. In addition, before you start wrapping, you should familiarize yourself with possible risks.

Mustard wraps can not be done during pregnancy and lactation. Procedures will be harmful for varicose veins, as well as if there is a predisposition to varicose veins. Wraps are harmful in hypertension, neoplasm, inflammation of the pelvis, as well as any gynecological diseases.

If you have doubts about the presence of contraindications, it is better to consult a doctor, it is not necessary to make of a useful procedure - harmful.