Celery soup for weight loss

The problem of weight loss worries very many, because extra pounds not only spoil the figure, but also have a bad effect on health. Today, there is a huge variety of products that help people fight with hated kilograms, and one of these "rescuers" is celery. This plant is replete with vitamins and minerals, due to which it has many healing properties, the most popular and effective dish for losing weight is soup of celery.

Calorie and benefit of a celery soup

Celery soup is a dish for weight loss and health promotion. It supports the tone of the body, normalizes metabolism, strengthens the immune system, improves the skin and quickly eliminates excess kilograms. Celery soup, the calorie content of which averages 37 kcal per 100 g, is a very hearty dish. Celery swells in the stomach, and there is a feeling that you just ate a good meal, and the feeling of hunger will not appear soon. Celery soup is ideal for losing weight by the fact that:

  1. Thanks to chlorogenic acid, fats and carbohydrates, which come with other food, are very quickly processed.
  2. Displays slag and toxic substances.
  3. Accelerates metabolism.

Recipes of a celery soup for weight loss

Soup "Amazing"



All vegetables need to be cut, small or large, this is up to you. Grind the greens. Put on a medium fire a saucepan with 2 liters of water. As soon as the water boils, put asparagus and cabbage into it, and after 9-10 minutes add the celery. Cook for about 5-7 minutes, then season with salt, sprinkle with herbs, remove from the plate and cover.

Soup "Sunset"



We put a pot of water on the fire, 2 liters will be enough. Then we are engaged in vegetables. Stem celery should be cut into cubes, parsley and celery leaves finely chopped. String the beans for 10 minutes in boiling water to make it softer. It is desirable to pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder, after removing the skin from them. As soon as the water boils, dip the beans and celery into it, add the tomatoes after 10-12 minutes. Vegetables should be cooked for about 7 minutes, then add chopped parsley, celery leaves and salt. Turn off the heat and cover.

Soup "Summer Tale"



All the ingredients are ground with a blender to a homogeneous liquid mass, add lemon juice and cool. Such soup should be stored only in the refrigerator.

Recipe for a slimming soup from the root of celery

Soup "Overseas"



We divide cauliflower into inflorescences, white cabbage shinkuem, celery root and Bulgarian pepper cut into strips. All these products are placed in boiling water, after 10 minutes we add there the same chopped onions and sliced ​​tomatoes and cucumbers in small slices. After 20 minutes, the soup will be ready.

With the help of diets on a celery soup you can lose weight very quickly, especially if you combine this nutrition with sports.