Caviar roe - good and bad

As soon as we hear the word "caviar", immediately imagine a red or black granular delicacy. But in fact there are more varieties of this product. There are some that you can say about - well forgotten old. This applies, for example, to pike caviar. Several centuries ago in Russia it was a very popular dish, which was highly appreciated for its nutritional and availability. After all, pikes in Russian rivers were then in huge quantities. Today, the product has become less common, and it can rarely be found in the daily diet of Russians. And even more so, very few people know how useful is the caviar of pike.

Meanwhile, the composition of this product includes a huge amount of protein, vitamins , protein compounds, microelements and other active substances. The caloric content of pike caviar is only 131 kcal per 100 grams, because it has little fat and almost no carbohydrates. In stores, you can mostly find a salty product in cans. But you can fry fresh caviar. Grilled caviar is a little less useful, but not less tasty. This dish is included in the list of classic culinary delights of traditional Russian cuisine.

Benefit and harm of pike roe

Due to its low calorie content, the product can be consumed as part of a diet. It is quite capable of providing the body with the necessary amount of energy and useful substances. But the use of pike eggs is not limited to this. Doctors recommend to include it in the diet to people who have a reduced level of hemoglobin in the blood. Shchuchya caviar increases the rates at times, and eat it for this you need very little - just half a teaspoon a day. In parallel, it normalizes the pressure and maintains the tone of the vessels in the optimal state.

But besides the benefits and harm the eggs can bring pike. It can not be used by young children and pregnant women, because it can cause allergic reactions. Raw caviar can contain parasitic organisms that do not die during frying. And salted caviar is an undesirable product in the diet of hypertensive people, people with cardiac and gastric diseases. Also, this product is contraindicated in patients who have problems with the kidneys and bladder. There is still the danger of individual intolerance to this product, so you should use it in moderation, listening to your own sensations. If there is a deterioration in health, that is, caviar is not worth it.