Nervous exhaustion - symptoms

Who likes to be sick? Such a person, probably, will not be found. Therefore, we try to get rid of the ailments as soon as possible. But for some reason, only body diseases cause concern, and we often do not take into consideration diagnoses such as depression, chronic fatigue and overwork. They do not seem to need to be treated, just relax and everything will pass by itself. Sometimes rest really helps, but more often than not, a more serious sleep is needed than a healthy weekend sleep. Such ignored problems include nervous exhaustion of the body, whose treatment can not be particularly delayed, if it is provoked by diseases and traumas.

Symptoms and signs of nervous system exhaustion

Nervous exhaustion of the body can manifest itself with hundreds of different symptoms, so its diagnosis is rather complicated. This process is further complicated by the fact that the signs of the syndrome of nervous exhaustion can be masked by the symptoms of other diseases, so a person turns to anyone, but not to a psychotherapist or a neurologist. But nevertheless there are a number of features which can give out nervous exhaustion.

  1. Violations of the intellect are especially characteristic of nervous exhaustion. Memory suffers, coordination, speech. It is manifested by chronic forgetfulness and inability to learn the simplest information, speech and orientation in space also suffer. In any case, nervous exhaustion has a negative impact on study or work and personal life. The funds for nervous exhaustion are various and depend on the specific case. In some situations, inpatient treatment is required.
  2. Severe nervous exhaustion is often accompanied by hidden depressions, the symptoms of which are very difficult to identify because of their diversity.

Causes of nervous exhaustion

The impetus to exhaustion of the nervous system can be severe stress, shock, trauma or a surgical operation. The degree of shock for all is different, since the capacity of the "emergency resource" of the organism is individual. Therefore, someone will be enough to sit on a strict diet, and someone and the death of loved ones will not make "break."

Consequences of nervous exhaustion

The most harmless consequences are problems in communication, changing the character is not for the better and closed. But if you do not think in time how to get rid of nervous exhaustion, you can even reach the loss of personality. There is an irreversible change in attitude towards life, and mental illnesses are manic states, obsessions and cravings.