How to bake a leg in an oven with a crust?

The whole leg is the most demanded part of the hen, it has long won the leading position on our table. And its cooking in the oven in various marinades and sauces can always please even the most demanding eaters.

How to bake a leg in an oven with a crusty crust - recipe



If the thigh is frozen, then you need not only to unfreeze them, but also bring their temperature to near room temperature. Since in the process of baking heavily chilled meat, the result is not the best: when the crust is already burning, and the meat inside is still very damp near the bone, and when blood punctures.

So, wash the thawed thigh, inspect the remains of the plumage and dry it well. Mix all the other ingredients by squeezing the garlic through the press, by the way, its amount can both be increased and reduced based on personal preferences, the same applies to Tabasco. All this is well mixed, you can even resort to the help of a corolla, and cover the stump. If you have enough time, then the pickling process can take from 2 to 12 hours, but in case of urgent cooking, you can immediately start cooking, this sauce allows it. Simply then try to smear sauce and under the skin of the ham, gently lifting it to not tear. After laying the meat on a baking sheet pour it with the remaining marinade. It remains only to place the pan in the preheated to 190-200 degrees oven and wait 45-60 minutes, the time of course depends on the size of the prepared legs.

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Wash the prepared legs and be sure to dry them, then start cooking the sauce. Garlic put in a mortar and sprinkle a pinch of salt, then rastolkite it in gruel, and in the mortar, rastolkute dry spices, then combine them with garlic. Then pour in the juice of the lemon, and then gently, literally a few drops add the oil (the sauce should be thick, almost creamy). Therefore, if you overdo it with butter, you will have to add garlic. It is necessary to smear the whole leg not only from above, but also necessarily under the skin, since it is the sauce that will help it become a crusty crust.

Marinate them can be 2-3 hours or immediately sent to the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees for 45-60 minutes.