Weight loss cheaper: day of cheating

There are a huge number of diets, but not all give the desired result. Today, a fairly new trend, called cheating, is very popular.

What it is?

Translated from English, this translates as a deception. This method is the complete opposite of a different kind of mono-diet and unloading days, as you can on the contrary eat something tasty and harmful. Chiting is very popular among people who are dieting and denying themselves everything. For example, 6 days a week, you strictly follow the diet, and then relax for a day and eat your favorite dishes.

How will cheating help you?

Almost every diet is based on the principle - eat less and then you will lose weight. During this time, a person's body is in a stressful situation and in order to get energy to spend your own fat reserves. But after a while the weight stops, and you feel very tired and irritable. All the fault is the minimum amount of food that enters the body, and more physical exercise is added to it. It is during this period that many women break down, throw a dream to lose weight far away and begin to overeat. This will be another stress for the body and at this point its main task is to stock up fat for the future, as a result, weight not only returns, but also doubles. To avoid this there is a cheating. You initially plan days that can be called "happy", thanks to this the percentage of possible disruption decreases to zero. And also do not need to worry about the fact that weight can at some point just stop.

Fundamental rules

  1. You can eat everything, but best of all give your preference to products that saturate the body for a long time, for example, cereals, nuts, etc.
  2. Just know the measure, do not overeat as if this is the last day of your life. If you decide to stretch the pleasure for a few days, be sure to cut portions.
  3. It is best to use the cheating no more than 2 days.
  4. During this period, be sure to drink plenty of water, at least 2 liters daily.

The main task of cheating is to accelerate the metabolism , so that the body does not accumulate, but spends fats. Now you will disrupt the plan and for a limited period, because of this, dieting will be much easier.

Pros of cheating

  1. You do not need to count calories, fats, carbohydrates, etc.
  2. You can eat whatever you want, even harmful and high-calorie foods.
  3. It improves the psychological state and excludes the appearance of various kinds of depression.
  4. Thanks to the cheating, you can use your diet as much as you want.
  5. You can practice any sport that you like.

The disadvantages of the cheating

  1. If you do not have the willpower, then it's better not to use the cheating, as controlling the amount of food you eat will be very difficult.
  2. The diet is not adapted to caloric intake.

Sample menu

If you want to lose weight, then you can use the following diet menu. Divide the plate in this way: half is vegetables, one fourth is protein and the last part is the correct carbohydrates.

The diet for one day diet can be as follows:

So eat 5 or 6 days a week, and then do a day of relaxation and eat anything, such as pizza, chocolate, pastries, cheese, bread, etc.

Here is a novelty among a huge number of diets, which will help lose those extra pounds, but do not deplete your body and not become depressed.