Bern - attractions

Absolutely unusual country that attracts both lovers of medieval architecture and fans of modern entertainment is Switzerland . Several monuments of architecture, which are rich in this country, are objects of UNESCO World Heritage. Two-thirds of the territory of Switzerland is occupied by mountains , therefore local ski resorts are popular with lovers of outdoor activities from all over the world. Everyone will find entertainment for themselves.

In the heart of Switzerland is the richest city on the sights of Bern . He is also the capital of the state. The city attracts tourists, and not for nothing. Bern is full of various sights: fountains , museums, parks, gardens, castles, towers ... Total and not count. But there are those places that are just a visiting card of the city and are obligatory to visit.

Top 10 most popular attractions in Bern

  1. Old town . The historical part of Bern, which is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In addition to the fact that here is the main part of the universally recognized historical and cultural attractions, each house in this area is a typical representative of medieval architecture.
  2. The cathedral . Construction dates from 1421-1893. Dedicated to the Great Martyr Vicentius of Saragossa and is a vivid example of late Gothic. Its tower reaches a length of about 100 m, and the central entrance is crowned with bas-reliefs depicting the Last Judgment. The total number of figures is about 217, and they differ by an amazing elaboration of details.
  3. Clock Tower Tsitglogge . It was built in 1218-1220. In the years 1527-1530. The tower was decorated with hours of work by Caspar Brunner, which showed not only the time, but also the day of the week, the month, the phase of the moon and the sign of the zodiac. In addition, the countdown has become a whole show, with the participation of bears and fairy-tale creatures.
  4. The Bundeshaus . The Federal Palace of the Government of Switzerland was built in 1894-1902. The interior of the building is richly decorated with frescoes and sculptures, including the symbol of the city - bears. What is characteristic, you can get here on a tour without any obstacles, simply by presenting your passport.
  5. The bridges of Bern . Historically significant in the city six: Unterborg, Nidegg, Kornhaus, Altenbergsteg, Kirchenfeld, Lorraine. The oldest is more than 500 years old. From the bridges Bern offers a stunning view of the city.
  6. Fountain "Devourer of Children" . The huge sculpture of the ogre-eater, devouring the child, was installed on the square Kornhaus in the 16th century. Why the fountain has received such an avatar is for certain unknown. Some see a hint in a pointed hat of a hint of Jews, others relate sculpture to the myth of Kronos, and modern moms use the statue as an example for children for educational purposes. No less popular are the fountains "Moses" , "Justice" and "Samson" .
  7. The Bear Fountain . It is located near the clock tower and is the oldest in the city. He is a sculpture of a bear in a helmet, and two swords are fixed for his belt, and in his hands he holds a shield and a banner. Built in 1535
  8. "Bear Park" . This is an open-air cage in which everything is equipped to maintain the activity of bears. It is located on the river bank, in the eastern part of the Old Town. Today there lives a family of three bears.
  9. Rose garden . This is a park area where you can relax from the city bustle and relax on benches or green lawns. But the park got its name for good - you can find more than 220 kinds of roses and 200 kinds of iris on its flower beds.
  10. House-Museum of Einstein . He is located in an apartment in which once lived a scientist. The exposition takes two floors. The museum retains the interior of the house, as it was during the life of the scientist. Some connoisseurs undertake to assert that it was here that Einstein's theory of relativity was born.

What else to see in Bern?

But do not limit your sightseeing tour to this list only. In addition to the above listed, the city has a lot of other places that are worthy of your attention. Certainly worth a visit Nideggskaya church and the church of St. Peter and Paul. No less popular are the attractions of Bern and its museums: Museum of Natural History, Paul Klee Museum , Kunsthalle , Museum of Fine Arts, Swiss Alps Museum , Museum of Communication , Art Museum, Swiss Rifle Museum , Historical Museum . In Bern there is even a personal mountain. After all, this is the name of the park Gurten , which also will please you with chic panoramic views.

In conclusion, I would like to say that in itself Bern - one solid attraction. Walking around the city is not slow to catch the atmosphere that still reigns in its streets. Each house in the historical part of Bern is a kind of monument of culture and architecture. And from its bridges are truly amazing views. Observing and contemplating the beauty of this city, the soul seems to be filled with harmony and pacification.