Tartlets with mushrooms

Tartlets are very appropriate for a festive table. They can be stuffed with anything, but especially tasty mushroom tartlets. You can also prepare wonderful delicious tartlets with mushrooms and other ingredients.

Classic tartlets with mushrooms



The filling for tartlets with mushrooms is prepared as follows. Mushrooms are washed in cold water and we put in a colander. Clear the bulb. Cut the mushrooms and onion finely, save the onions in a frying pan in oil and add the mushrooms. Protushim, stirring with a spatula, until ready. If we use sour cream, then add it when extinguishing. We'll boil the hard-boiled eggs. We rub on the coarse grind squirrels and mix with the mushrooms (if using mayonnaise, add it now). Pickle and add the spices. Stir thoroughly and fill the tartlets. Sprinkle on top with grated yolks. You can decorate with leaves of parsley and basil.

Tartlets with mushrooms and cheese

Ingredients (for 10 tartlets):


Mushrooms are washed and boiled salted water. Cut them as small as possible. We shall cut onions finely, and carrots we will rub on grater (or we will use a combine). Save the onions and carrots until golden and add the mushrooms. We will extinguish until readiness, add and add dry spices to taste. Fill the tartlets with hot stuffing and abundantly sprinkle with grated cheese. That's ready. And you can put the tartlets on a dry baking tray and put them in a heated oven for a few minutes, so that the cheese is slightly melted. We adorn the leaves with greens. Actually, this is called a very tasty dish julienne with mushrooms in tartlets.

Classic julienne

But another recipe for julienne with mushrooms in tartlets is classic.



The cleared mushrooms are cut and slightly attached in a dry pan until the excess liquid evaporates, then add butter and onions, chopped finely. A little salted, add the spices and fry until golden brown. Now in a frying pan with mushrooms add a little water, mix and introduce starch. We'll put it out, stirring it until it thickens. You can add crushed garlic. Lightly cool and fill this filling with tartlets. We put them on a baking tray and put them in the oven. Lightly bake, that the cheese melted and browned. We decorate with branches of greenery.

Tartlets with mushrooms and chicken

Ingredients (for 20 tartlets):


Boil the chicken breast and cut the meat into small cubes. Let's cut the peeled onions finely. We grate the carrots on an average grater. Save onion in a frying pan onions and carrots, add chopped finely mushrooms and pieces of chicken. Protoshim until readiness (5-8 minutes). Add sour cream or mayonnaise. We mix it. We will lay a baking sheet with parchment, we will expose the tartlets and lay out the filling in them. Let's rub the cheese on the middle grater. Plentifully sprinkle each tartlet with cheese over top of the filling and place in a preheated oven for 5-8 minutes. We adorn the leaves with greens. Serve better warm.

Tartlets can be served with broth, tea, black or green, coffee, beer, table wine.