Which products contain fluoride?

The human body contains practically the entire periodic table, and there are some among the elements whose importance is difficult to deny. Fluorine is one of them, without which our bone system, hair, nails and teeth could not exist. Replenish depleted body reserves can be by consuming fluoride in food.

The indicator of the normal content of fluoride besides this is healthy skin. It is important to know which products contain fluoride to maintain optimal balance in the body. Interestingly, the excess of this substance is often even more dangerous than its deficiency.

Consider what products contain fluoride? It's no secret that we get such an important element with drinking water. However, this is not enough in every region. That is why it is important several times a week to consciously include in the menu products rich in fluoride. The main thing is a sense of proportion, do not make up your whole diet from this!

  1. Tea . The list of products containing fluoride opens this simple and affordable drink - both black and green is quite suitable.
  2. Seafood . In seafood there is almost the entire Mendeleyev system, why they are recommended by dieticians. Suitable fish, shrimp, lobster, crab, any caviar, sea cabbage, etc.
  3. Cereals . For example, in rice, oatmeal and buckwheat fluoride is very much.
  4. Fruits and vegetables . Leading grapefruits, apples and potatoes, in the remaining plant products, fluorine is small.

You immediately feel the moment when you "overdo" the account of including fluoride in your diet. You will have a general malaise and weakness. In this case, fluorine in food should be limited, instead of fish preferring a bird, instead of apples - pears, and instead of tea - cocoa. The main thing is not to rush from extremes to extremes and maintain an optimal balance.