Lack of vitamin D

Even the youngest children already know that vitamin D is needed for strong bones and rapid growth. Their predecessors (only two generations earlier) knew perfectly the bitter taste of vitamin D, because they were given a spoonful of fish oil daily. It turns out that their caring mothers were so trying to make up for the lack of vitamin D.

Today there is no need to deal with children so cruelly, however, to pay attention to the level of the "vitamin of the sun" in themselves and their households is still worth it.

Signs of lack

The lack of vitamin D in the body has several stages. In the beginning, there is a burning sensation in the mouth and throat, vision falls, insomnia appears, weight and appetite decrease. Well, what do you call it, if not avitaminosis?

Further, the deficit is exacerbated and the signs of vitamin D deficiency become quite serious.

Increases blood pressure, slows pulse and breathing, nausea, diarrhea, constipation may occur. As with any vitamin deficiency, you will be seized by convulsions - this organism extracts from the tissues vitamin D to direct it to vital organs. There is a fever, in children - rickets, in adults - osteoporosis. Bones become "empty", demineralized, and, of course, very fragile and vulnerable.

In the organs calcium is deposited. This means that the kidney and liver function will be disrupted, you will soon discover kidney stones or gallstones.

But that's not all. The final symptoms of vitamin D deficiency are skin diseases, diabetes of the first degree, and also oncology.

Now you understand that vitamin D is not only responsible for "bones".

We replenish the balance of vitamin D

As there is a lack of vitamin D - it is already very clear to everyone. Now you are tormented not by a burning sensation in your mouth from a deficiency of vitamins, but a conscience that urges you to eat something "D-vitamin" faster.

First, the sun. It is proved that children who spend summer at sea during the year do not experience vitamin deficiency D. The reason is that this vitamin accumulates, and after a summer rest, it lasts about until February.

Secondly, products . The liver of cod and tuna, fat marine fish is not in vain saturated with this vitamin, because the inhabitants of countries washed by cold seas, lack in the sun all year round, they just need to compensate for it with food.

Thirdly, dairy products. Hard cheese, milk, cottage cheese, eggs - all this vitamin D.

Well, at worst, vegetable food. In vegetables and fruits it is small, almost none. But vitamin D is in a certain amount in nuts and seeds.