How to decontaminate the earth for seedlings by potassium permanganate?

The methods of preparing planting material and soil with potassium permanganate are rightfully considered to be the most popular. These recipes and advice are passed on by experienced gardeners to beginners, and those in turn also share their experience. However, simply to prepare a solution of potassium permanganate for treating the soil for seedlings is not enough, it is important to know the correct proportions and the processing scheme.

Disinfection of the earth for seedlings by potassium permanganate

Before decontaminating the soil for seedling potassium permanganate, it is necessary to understand that this method works on soils with a neutral or alkaline reaction. Lack of manganese is the reason for the weakness of seedlings, their susceptibility to diseases. When you increase the level of manganese, and this is especially important for sandy and carbonate soils, the stability of crops immediately increases.

A solution of potassium permanganate for the treatment of land for seedlings is prepared exclusively before use, in advance or for the future, it makes no sense. Before you start sowing, prepare a 0.05% solution and water the prepared beds. For each square, 300-500 g of liquid is sufficient. If for you and now the question remains, is it necessary to water the earth with potassium permanganate, then once again we will draw your attention to the reasons for its popularity. This remedy can boast a rather powerful antiseptic effect. Disinfection of the earth with permanganate allows you to get rid of most harmful microorganisms. And due to this, the quality of seedlings and the yield are also increased. In addition, disinfection of the earth with manganese is one of the simplest and safest methods of soil cultivation.

Most often it is recommended to decontaminate the soil for seedlings of potassium permanganate for some crops, since they are more amenable to the harmful effects of pathogenic microflora. These include vegetable crops, corn with beet and fruit and berry.