Waffle cake

One of the most popular desserts was once a cake of waffle cakes, which was prepared in almost every family with a variety of fillers. The beauty of this dish was that it did not take a long time to prepare it, as a cake was made from ready-made waffle cakes, and the owner herself had only to make a cream.

If for you the taste of this dessert is also associated with childhood, we will tell you how to prepare a waffle cake that will please both you and your family.

Waffle cake with sour cream

A homemade waffle cake with cream made from sour cream is a great option if you are expecting guests and you need to cook a dessert in a hurry of the most basic foods.



Butter butter in a pan on a small fire, then add water, sugar and cook, stirring until the latter dissolves. Then pour the cocoa there and put the chocolate that was broken into pieces. Continue to cook over low heat until the chocolate completely melts, and you do not get a uniform pouring mass.

Put it to cool, and at this time whip the cream to a thick foam. When the chocolate mass is at room temperature, gradually introduce it into the cream, whilst continuing to beat. At the end, add crushed hazelnut to it.

Each wafer cake with cream and serve to the table. If you start eating the cake immediately after smearing it will be crispy, and if you let it stand for 15 minutes, the cakes will be soaked and softened.

Chocolate-waffle cake



Milk pour into a saucepan and fold the butter into pieces. Put it all on a small fire and simmer until the butter melts. Then add sugar and chopped chocolate to them. Continue cooking the cream until all the ingredients completely melt, and it does not thicken.

Remove the pan from the heat and pour in cognac, after which let the mass cool to room temperature. Then, cover all the cakes with cream, and the top one can also be decorated with grated chocolate or chopped nuts. Send the cake for 2-3 hours in the fridge and then treat the guests.

Waffle fruit cake

Preparation of a waffle cake with fruit will take you literally 15 minutes, and the result will be simply stunning.



Fruits peel and cut into slices. Each waffle cake grease with a cheese mass, from above spread out pieces of fruit and sprinkle them with powdered sugar. Ready cake for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator for impregnation.

Waffle cake with custard



Pound sugar in a saucepan with egg, pour cold milk to them and put the mass on a slow fire. Bring it to a boil, constantly whipping with a fork, then add butter and again whisk well. When the butter melts, pour cocoa, vanillin into the pan and mix well, remove from heat. Give the cream a little cool, and then put it in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes.

Spread all the wafer cakes with the resulting custard and send the cake in the cold for a day - soak.