How to cook apricot jam with nucleoli?

Apricot jam with nucleoli is prepared very simply and quickly. To create this delicacy you only need to buy the necessary fruits and properly heat them. Let's understand together with you and consider the recipes for this delicious treat.

A recipe for a delicious apricot jam with nucleoli



The apricots are washed, we cut the incision and gently squeezes the bones. Then split them, take out the nucleoli and insert them into the holes of the fruit.

Sugar is poured into hot water, boil the solution, stirring constantly, and boil for 3 minutes. Then the syrup is filtered through the gauze, boiled again and boiled for 15 minutes. Prepared apricots with kernels are filled with a hot mixture and leave for about 12 hours. We pour the syrup into a saucepan, boil it and again pour the fruit for another 10 hours. We boil the apricot jam with the nucleoli just as on the third day, and then we cool and pack it in dry sterilized jars . We roll up the delicacy with lids and store it in any cool, non-sunny place.

Apricot jam with lemon and nucleoli



And here's another option, how to cook a fragrant apricot jam with nucleoli. Fruits are thrown into a saucepan with filtered cold water and we insist for several hours. Next, the liquid is drained, the fruits are dried and we remove the bones from them. Lemon thoroughly washed, scalded with boiling water and cut together with zest diced, removing all the bones. Grind the citrus blender and add the mass to the apricot lobules. We pour sugar, gently mix everything and remove the treat in a cool place for a couple of hours, covering it with a towel. Next, install the jam on the stove, turn on a moderate fire and cook the treat for 10-20 minutes. Periodically mix jam and take off a neat white foam. Next, the pan is moved to the table and the contents are cooled.

Apricot bones are broken, we take out the nuclei and throw them into the jam. Boil it again for 15-20 minutes and lay out on a prepared sterile container. That's all, delicious and useful home-made apricot jam with nucleoli from the bones is ready for tasting.