Jam made of black raspberry

Black raspberries are not so popular on our expanses as the red, but the beneficial properties of both representatives of the berry kingdom are equivalent. From it you can cook no less tasty jam, having provided yourself for the winter with a delicious preparation.

How to cook jam from black raspberries for the winter - a five-minute recipe



The simplest and quickest recipe for making jam from black raspberries is a five-minute snack that will preserve the maximum of useful properties and vitamins, as well as get the most fresh taste of the billet. But at the same time the consistency of delicacies turns out to be sparse, so for fans of a different texture of jam it is better to choose another option. Black raspberries for jam should be sorted out, getting rid of spoiled specimens, and rinsed under cool running water. After the berries are a bit dry, pour them in a bowl or another jug ​​container with sugar and leave for a few hours to secrete the juice.

After this, put the vessel with the workpiece on the plate and heat it with continuous gentle stirring to a boil. From the moment of appearance of the first signs of boiling, cook jam for five minutes, after which we immediately pour out on sterile dry containers and seal them with cooked-in lids for five minutes. After completely cooling down under a warm coat or blanket, move the workpiece to the shelf of the storage pantry.

Black raspberry jam with lemon - recipe in multivark



Prepare black raspberries with the recommendations from the previous recipe, then send it to the capacity of the multi-device together with sugar and lemon juice squeezed from the lemon. After about thirty minutes, turn on the device in the "Quenching" mode and prepare the jam for an hour. During this time we prepare banks. We wash them, sterilize them in a convenient way and, if necessary, dry them. On readiness we pour hot treat on sterile vessels, we seal with boiled lids and put it in storage for storage.

According to this recipe, the jam turns thick and rich, but not too sweet. It can be cooked and simply on the stove without the help of a multivark, but then it will be necessary to stir the delicacy during the whole cooking process, and adjust the time depending on the desired density.