Dough for cherry dumplings

Tasty cherry - a source of vitamin C and many other useful substances, of course, is most useful in its raw form, but sometimes you want to treat yourself to something delicious. Easy to prepare dish - vareniki with cherries . Bright, nourishing, it will allow you to easily and quickly feed the family, sour dough envelopes with a juicy, fragrant filling like even quite fastidious eaters.

To prepare dumplings, you must first knead the dough. There may be a question, what is the dough for vareniki with cherries different from the other? First, it is cooked with a small amount of sugar, because cherries are usually quite sour berry. The second difference - this berry gives a lot of juice. To make the envelopes do not fall apart during the preparation, the dough for cherry dumplings should be more dense.

Begin the preparation of the dish, of course, with the preparation of berries: go through the cherry, remove the tails, rinse thoroughly. When drained, remove the bones. Put the berries in a colander, to drain the juice, and in the meantime, take care of the second ingredient. Tell you how to make dough for vareniki with cherries.

Fresh dough for cherry dumplings



The flour, of course, needs to be sifted - best of all - immediately into a bowl, in which you will knead the dough. Warm up the water, dissolve sugar and salt in it. Water should not be warm, but approximately body temperature or room temperature. Pour the water in small portions, gradually connecting it with flour. It takes a long time to mix, at first it may seem that there is a lot of torment. Do not add water, continue to knead, gradually all the flour "will go away." At the end of the process, knead the dough with the oil. If there is no olive, you can use any vegetable.

The dumplings dumplings with cherries on the water are dense, elastic, before letting it stand, let it stand.

You can slightly change the recipe by adding an egg - so the dough will get more elastic and pleasant.

Dumplings dumplings with cherries on water with egg



In the sifted flour, pour the eggs, beaten with sugar and salt, add a soft oil (it is not necessary to melt it) and, gradually adding the soda water, knead the dough. It will turn out to be much softer and smoother than in the previous recipe.

Dough for dumplings with cherries on yogurt

Another interesting and relatively simple option. Kefir is better to choose at least 2.5% fat, the dough in this case will be much softer and more delicate. You can use sour milk or unsweetened yogurt.



For this recipe, it is important to remember the rule: kefir should be at room temperature. Mix the flour with salt and sow into a bowl. Pour in kefir, add the vegetable oil. Stir the dough carefully, until it itself will not stop sticking to your hands.

You can add sugar and egg to the list of ingredients, but in this case, the amount of flour should be increased by half a cup, otherwise the dough will not turn out to be sufficiently dense and when cooking vareniki will be peeled.

So, the dough for cherry dumplings is ready, the recipe of the dish is known to everyone. The dough should be rolled thin enough, cut into diamonds or circles, put the filling and protect the edges. Ready vareniki can be boiled in boiling water or frozen for future use.