Eye of revival - exercises

There are physical exercises, and there is psychophysical gymnastics . In this case, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the second option, namely with the Tibetan revival eye exercises.

The result of psychophysical gymnastics is the extension of youth, health and beauty, both internal and external.

Before starting the complex of exercises, the eye of regeneration, say to yourself about the installation, what you want from your classes - health, beauty, healing.

Five exercises of the eye of regeneration - this is the basic part of the technique. The sixth exercise should be done at a more advanced level.

All the revitalization exercises are performed 3 to 5 times, adding 2 replicates every week. Thus, you need to reach 21 repetitions. Only with the 6th exercise of Tibetan monks, the eye of regeneration needs to reach as little as 9 repetitions, no more.

After the first performance of the complex, you will feel a rush of strength and cheerfulness. Exercise revival eye is suitable for women of any age, physique and physical fitness. In this case, we are dealing with gymnastics, which has no contraindications.

The main thing to achieve is regularity. Going to 21 repetitions (and 9 repetitions of 6 exercises), do not try to do even more, work on quality and make gymnastics daily. Expect the benefits and visible results can only be done every day without exception.


  1. IP - standing, feet shoulder width apart, arms raised through the sides to the level of the shoulders. Left palm up, right down. Start to rotate clockwise - 3 turns. When we finish spinning, we stretch our arms in front of the chest, we squeeze them into the fists, we pull the big finger upwards - we concentrate our attention on the thumbs.
  2. We lay down on the back - legs stretched, hands along the body, lower back to the floor. We exhale, with inhalation we press the chin to the chest, raise both legs upwards vertically. We go down all over, including the back of the head. Then we press our chin again, raise our legs up.
  3. We kneel, close our eyes for concentration. We put our feet on toes, hands under the buttocks, we press our chin to ourselves, we breathe out. On inhalation we throw our head back, stretch our chin up, open and become in a half-bridge. On exhalation we return to the FE, on the inhalation - we open in the half-bridge.
  4. We sit down on the floor, legs stretch forward. Hands put on the floor, fingers forward, we press our chin to ourselves, we do a full exhalation, we stretch our chins up, we transfer the weight of the body to our feet. We stretch upwards - the pelvis, the hips, the body are parallel to the floor, the legs are bent at the knees, hands are straight. On exhalation we return to the IP sitting on the floor, on inhalation we stretch out upward.
  5. We lower our belly down, hands are stretched out, the weight of the body on the hands, legs are stretched out on the socks. Exhalation - we press the chin to the chest, with inhalation we rise the pelvis upwards, we bend in the back, we stretch our legs. We reach the floor with the hems, with the pelvis up. We return to the IP - we lower the pelvis, throw our head back - inhale, with exhalation we rise upward.
  6. IP - standing, breathing in, pulling the anal sphincter, then exhale sharply with sound, resting your hands on your hips. The back is flat, we press our chin to ourselves. Make a full exhalation, when there is no more air, you need to draw in the belly "pasting" it to the waist. We rise with a retracted abdomen on the breath holding, hands on the waist, the chin is pressed to itself. We hold on as long as possible, then we do a relaxed breath and straighten our shoulders.

This complex can be like matins, and evening gymnastics - it all depends on your biorhythm. If the eye of regeneration invigorates you - do it in the mornings, if it relaxes and helps to cope with insomnia - do the evening before bedtime.