How to fry mackerel?

Some housewives refuse to fry mackerel because of its specific smell. But with the right preparation, it is not at all noticeable, but due to its fatness and tenderness, the meat of this fish turns out to be simply delicious.

From our recipes you will learn how to properly fry mackerel to emphasize all its advantages and hide flaws.

Mackerel fried in egg batter with sesame


For batter:


The carcass of mackerel, if necessary, is thawed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator and washed with cold water. Then we get rid of her viscera and head, and also cut off the tail and fins. Inside the abdomen, carefully scrape off the black film and rinse well with water. On the back we make a deep longitudinal incision, divide the fish into two parts and extract all the bones.

Cut the fillet into slices of the desired size, pour half the lemon juice and white dry wine and leave for an hour to marinate .

Then the egg is mixed with salt and ground black pepper, add sesame seeds and mix. In a separate bowl, pour the flour.

We muffled the marinated pieces of fish very carefully in flour, immediately dipped in egg batter and placed on a frying pan heated with vegetable oil. Fry four minutes on one side, turn it over and, closing it with a lid, bring it to the ready on the other side.

Fragrant fried mackerel under the wine marinade is ready.

Mackerel fried with onions and carrots



Defrosted and washed carcasses of mackerel are rid of the head, entrails, fins and tail. Do not forget to clean the inside of the abdomen from the black film. Then cut the mackerel along the back, divide into two parts and separate fillets from bones.

Then cut the fish into medium-sized slices, rub it with salt and ground black pepper. If desired, we can sprinkle with lemon juice.

Carrots are peeled and grated, and onions are cut into thin half-rings or small cubes.

Warm up a large frying pan, having previously poured vegetable oil into it, throw onions with carrots and fry a little. Pieces of fish are floundered well in flour and distributed over vegetables. Fry for seven minutes, and turn over to the other side. Five minutes later the fried mackerel with vegetables will be ready.