How to cook rice porridge?

Rice is one of the most common cereals in the world, for many people in different countries - the basic basic food product.

The rice grain contains vitamins of group B, E and PP, valuable mineral compounds of potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, iron, copper, selenium and zinc. Also in rice can contain up to 7% protein and up to 78% complex carbohydrates. Eating rice does not only ensure satiety, but also a prolonged flow of energy into the muscle tissue, which allows you to reduce the body's need for sweet. It should be noted that according to the content of useful substances, the rice of yellowish-gray hues (that is, steamed) is much more useful than white ground.

From rice and rice can be prepared as the most intricate and delicious dishes, and the most simple and unpretentious, for example, rice porridge. Tell you how to cook a delicious rice porridge.

Well-cooked rice porridge is an excellent breakfast option or part of lunch, lunch, dinner. Friable rice porridge can be used as a side dish to fish, meat, vegetables, mushrooms and seafood. Liquid boiled rice porridge porridge is remarkably suitable for children's and dietary nutrition, as well as indispensable for certain types of gastrointestinal complications.

How to cook rice crumbly porridge?



Rice is thoroughly rinsed with cold water or you can pour it with boiling water and then rinse with cold water, this procedure will remove the starchy dust with foreign microparticles, which are inevitably present in dry industrially produced rice. Next, pour rice in a saucepan with water, bring to a boil, reduce fire and cook. Grinded white rice cook for 8-9 minutes, no more. Steamed rice (i.e., yellowish-gray) is cooked from 9 to 16 minutes depending on the variety (compute experimentally). The maximum time of boiling of friable rice can reach 20 minutes. When cooking rice do not stir. When the rice, in your opinion, is ready (try it on the palate), you have to drain the water, for this you can throw the rice on the sieve. Either cover the pan with a lid in such a way that there remains a minimal gap and, holding the lid, drain the broth. After that, rice can be washed with boiled water, which, however, is not necessary if you thoroughly washed it before cooking.

Now fill the rice with oil, you can pour it a little, and that's what turned out to be crumbly rice porridge. If you plan to add steamed dried fruits to the porridge, then refuel only with butter, you can also add cinnamon, a little fruit syrup or jam.

If you fill the porridge with vegetable oil, you can add soy sauce, mirin, crushed fresh herbs, garlic, spices, shrimp paste, light-salted fish eggs, vegetable paste, mushrooms with onions and other flavoring fillers to it.

How to cook rice porridge?



Rinse the rice thoroughly, pour water in a saucepan and cook, stirring, until the porridge is boiled to the desired degree. If you think that the porridge turns dense, you can add boiled water. Ready porridge can be filled with butter, cream or milk. You can add steamed dried fruit, a little cinnamon, syrup, jam, fresh or sugared berries. You can, in principle, and cook porridge on milk, in this version, pour 1 measure of rice 2 measures of water and cook. Milk pour in after rice has already cooked a little. This sequence of actions prevents the possible burning of milk.

How to cook rice and millet porridge?

We cook rice and millet porridge, acting on 1 or 2 recipes (see above).


Rice is mixed with foamed in half, then washed, cooked and seasoned, seasoned.