Kefir unloading day

Kefir unloading days are very popular with many people who lose weight. They are simple in execution and very effective. For one such unloading day you can lose up to 1.5 kg. And, if you spend them regularly - 1-2 times in 7-10 days, then you can easily maintain your ideal weight without excruciating the body with endless diets.

There are many options for unloading days using kefir: it's a one-day mono-diet and a combination of kefir with various foods, both dietary and not very. Let's consider some of them.

Kefir unloading day


Drinking, in any of the 3 options, you need a pure non-carbonated water of 1.5-2 liters. You can also afford green tea without sugar. Kefir is chosen with a short shelf life - no more than a week, because in this case less likely to get on a product with preservatives. In addition, we take fresh kefir, with the release date no later than 3 days ago.

Apple-kefir fasting day

It's better to spend such a fasting day in autumn, in a season of natural ripening of apples. For him, take a kilogram of apples (preferably green, they usually have more fiber, which will last longer to maintain a sense of satiety), and a liter of kefir. We drink kefir and eat apples all day long, at night we drink a glass of kefir. Water and green unsweetened tea without restrictions.

Kefir-cottage cheese-free day

It is a softer version of unloading than the previous ones. For its holding, we need 300-400 g of low-fat cottage cheese and a liter of kefir. You can also add a few berries, honey, broth of wild rose and green tea to your menu.

For breakfast, lunch and dinner during such a fasting day, we mix 2-3 tablespoons of cottage cheese with yogurt, add fresh berries, and a teaspoon of honey. In between they drink a glass of kefir, and a glass of kefir before bed.

Kefir-buckwheat fasting day

Kefir-buckwheat unloading day is prepared as follows: pour a bucket of buckwheat with 2 cups of boiling water and leave it overnight. In the morning, we divide the croup prepared in this way into 5 parts, we add kefir and use it during the day. Salt and sugar do not add. As usually it is necessary to drink a lot of liquid (water, green tea).

Unfortunately, any variant of kefir unloading day is not suitable for slimming women during "critical" days, pregnant and lactating women, as well as people suffering from gastritis with high acidity.