Chrysanthemum room - care at home, the basic rules of cultivation

To grow well and enjoy the flowering chrysanthemum room, care at home should be conducted according to a number of requirements. There are rules regarding the choice of soil, pot, watering, lighting and so on. It is important to know how to reproduce this flower culture.

How to care for a room chrysanthemum?

If you decided to grow plants, then consider a few rules:

  1. It is important to determine the location for the pot. Best chrysanthemum will feel on the west and east window. To grow well chrysanthemum room, care includes darkening from direct rays of the sun.
  2. The ambient temperature should be selected depending on the season. In summer, the indicators should be at the level of 20-23 ° C, but closer to winter, the value should be reduced to 15-18 ° C.
  3. For beautiful flowering and proper development included in nursing nursing. During active growth at home, that is in the spring, nitrogen fertilizers should be used. With their help, shoots will be properly formed and leaves will grow actively. In summer, these additives stop, and from mid-August, potassium top dressings with a small amount of phosphorus are needed. Closer to October, for lush flowering, more phosphorus is used with the addition of potassium.

How to water a room chrysanthemum?

This flower culture loves moisture, so watering should be carried out often and it is important that the soil does not dry up. If you are interested in how often to water a room chrysanthemum at home, then the optimal amount is considered two times a week. You can not fill the bushes, otherwise there will be a fungal disease. Gardeners are advised not to irrigate after sunset. Periodic spraying will be useful, and it is better to perform this procedure in the morning.

How to transplant a chrysanthemum room?

If the plant is young (up to 5 years), then transplant every year, and if the adult - every two years. Transplantation of indoor chrysanthemum at home is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. At the bottom of the pot, pour out the drainage , for example, claydite, and cover it with a layer of soil.
  2. Remove the bush from the old pot by the method of transshipment, remove the old earth and place it in a new pot.
  3. Spread the gaps between the soil and a little pound, leaving 1 cm to the edge of the container. After that, water.

What kind of soil is needed for chrysanthemum room?

For cultivation of this flower culture it is allowed to use the purchased soil, intended for flowering crops. Experienced gardeners advise the soil for chrysanthemum to do at home on their own, for which mix on one part of leaf land, humus and coarse sand, and fill in two parts of the turf ground. The mixture is recommended to be roasted in the oven or angry with boiling water and dried to the usual state. Chrysanthemum like chicken manure, but you can not put too much to make the earth not sour.

What size do you need for a chrysanthemum?

Next season after flowering, you can select a new flowerpot for the plant. It is better if it is clay or ceramic. The size of the pot for room chrysanthemum should be 2-3 cm larger than the previous one. It should be borne in mind that the root system of this culture is superficial, so high and narrow containers for planting and transplantation are not suitable. Too low pots can not be taken, because you have to use drainage.

How does chrysanthemum houseplant multiply?

The number of plantings can be increased in several ways: by means of seeds and cuttings, and by dividing the bush. The latter option is considered to be the simplest, and it should be used during the growing season. After wintering from one plant, you can get six young shoots, which need to be planted in a fertile soil and well watered. Reproduction of indoor chrysanthemum at home using cuttings is done as follows:

  1. It is necessary to use cuttings 10 cm long, which will be placed in a light soil.
  2. Planting them is important at a distance of 1.5 cm from each other. Above the landing for proper care is closed with a film or glass.
  3. To start chrysanthemum room, care at home includes regular airing. The ambient temperature should be within 20 ° C.
  4. In the pot, plant 5-6 entrenched cuttings. When they grow to 15 cm, then pinching is used to form the bush correctly.

Room chrysanthemum has faded - what should I do next?

After buds wither, you need to remove dry and damaged branches. Chrysanthemum room after flowering requires such manipulations to send the plant to rest:

  1. Gradually reduce the watering and put the bush in the place where it will be wintering. The temperature should be low (ideally + 3 ° C) and for this purpose a cellar or a pantry that is not heated is better suited.
  2. To achieve early flowering, you should put the flower early in the heat, increase watering and normalize the light day. As a result, flowers on the room chrysanthemum will appear in late February or early March.

How to trim a room chrysanthemum after flowering?

When the plant is completely faded, it is customary to perform pruning, designed to remove diseased shoots and form a bush. In the instruction on how to trim the chrysanthemum room, it is indicated that it is necessary to cut branches as close to the ground as possible using an acute disinfected secateurs or scissors. Pruning is also carried out to thin the bush, but all branches are not cut off at a time.

Chrysanthemum diseases of room

Under adverse conditions and improper care, the flower culture may suffer from pest attack and the development of diseases at home.

  1. Dangerous pests of chrysanthemum room - aphids attack shoots and leaves from the underside, which eventually become yellow and fall off. To get rid of them, you should spray "Fitoverm" or "Actellikom".
  2. The red spider mite attacks the leaves, and they become pale yellow and eventually fall off. The reason for the appearance of the pest is dry air, and for spraying, insecticide spraying is carried out.
  3. With an excess of nitrogenous fertilizers, septoria develops in care, in which the leaves turn yellow, and then brown spots appear on them. Damaged leaves should be ripped off and the plant treated with a fungicide.
  4. Chrysanthemum room, when care at home is wrong, may suffer from powdery mildew , in which white stains appear on the stems and leaves. There is a disease with excessive watering, and to fight the disease you need a spray fungicide.
  5. At high humidity there is a gray rot, in which brown spots appear on the bushes, which eventually become covered with a gray bloom. For treatment, treat with "Fundazol".

If the chrysanthemum leaves the room becomes yellow, then this may be due to poor lighting, lack of water or hot air from the battery. A common problem - room chrysanthemum does not bloom, and this happens if care at home is not done properly. Main reasons:

  1. Poor illumination, so, it is bad for chrysanthemum light day more than 10 hours and less than 7 hours.
  2. Flowering may not occur if the pinched and pruning was late.
  3. For the appearance of flowers, top dressings are important and if the buds do not appear, then the soil lacks phosphorus and potassium.