How to remove freckles from the face?

Red-haired girls or blondes with blue eyes are familiar with the problem of freckles. And although the fashion for caulked faces periodically returns, their owners do not cease to care about the question, how to clean freckles quickly and forever? We will try to answer it.

Can I remove freckles?

Clear the face of the "kisses of the sun" you can, but it will take time. Wait for a quick result is not necessary - to remove freckles for a week, as a rule, no one manages. But a few months of systematic withdrawal with the use of one of the means, which will be discussed below, makes the spots more light or not at all noticeable.

It is worth noting that any struggle with freckles will be in vain, if in the warm season the skin will be in contact with the sun's rays. Therefore, it is extremely necessary for caulked people to protect their face, hiding it under a hat with wide margins. Without a sunscreen (SPF 15 - 30) also can not do. They are advised to use it from March to April.

How to remove freckles from the face of folk remedies?

  1. Potato mask. Fresh medium-sized potatoes are ground on a grater, add a spoonful of oat flakes and a half-spoonful of milk. The resulting gruel is applied to the pigmented skin and held for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.
  2. Lemon mask. From the lemon squeeze out the juice, add fresh yeast and milk (components are taken evenly). The mask is held for half an hour.
  3. Cottage cheese mask. In equal parts is taken home cottage cheese, lemon juice and sour cream; the ingredients are mixed, the paste is applied to the face, after 15 minutes, they wash.
  4. Mask of parsley. Fresh parsley greens are ground, add lemon juice and milk in equal proportions. The resulting mask is kept for 20 minutes, then washed.
  5. Decoction of dandelion. Freshly picked dandelion flowers (3 tablespoons) are poured with boiling water (400 ml) and cook for 5-10 minutes. The resulting broth is cooled, passed through gauze or a strainer. This remedy wipe your face twice a day.
  6. Mask with hydrogen peroxide. In a teaspoon of milk, add 7 drops of hydrogen peroxide (concentration - not more than 3%). The received structure wipe the face, allow it to dry, wash.

Home lotions

A proven remedy to help remove freckles from your face is parsley or cucumber lotion.

  1. The roots of parsley (50 g) are finely chopped with a knife or ground with a blender. The raw material is poured into vodka (150 ml) and kept for a week in a closet or cupboard. Ready tincture filtered, diluted with water (1: 5) and wipe the resulting face before going to bed, followed by applying a moisturizer.
  2. Fresh cucumber (2 - 3 pieces) cut into rings and poured into vodka (200 ml). The bottle with the tincture is kept in a dark place for 14 days. Then the medium is passed through a strainer, diluted with water (1:10). Such lotion is used in the evening and in the morning.

Salon procedures

Sometimes you can not remove freckles from your face at home, and then it makes sense to contact a cosmetologist. The most effective for today are the following procedures:

  1. Chemical peeling with the use of a whole complex of acids - the upper layer of the epidermis is removed along with the pigmented spots, the skin is rejuvenated; Perform peeling in the cold season, when solar activity reaches a minimum.
  2. Laser therapy - the most safe for the skin method, to remove freckles with a laser can almost completely;
  3. Phototherapy - implies the effect on the pigment spots of light energy; the visible result is manifested only after prolonged treatment;
  4. Cryosurgery - freckles "burn out" due to the reaction with liquid nitrogen; the procedure requires a doctor of high qualification.
  5. Quartz - the skin is irradiated with a quartz lamp; sessions are held every other day, after which the upper layer of the epidermis begins to peel off - along with it, "peel off" and freckles. Quartz make the skin less susceptible to ultraviolet light, so the procedure is indicated for patients who spend a lot of time in the sun.

Do not despair because of the sun decorations on your skin. You can always change your attitude in a positive way.