How to save an orchid?

Often, owners of orchids are faced with the fact that more recently, a health-blossomed flower begins to die and die right before our eyes. What to do in this situation, is it possible to save the orchid from death and how to do it, if it is withered, our article will tell.

Killing an orchid - how to save?

So, we have a decayed, frozen or dried orchid in stock - how can we save it? Whatever attack is not overcome our beauty, to try to save it can and should be. In any case, begin resuscitation should be a careful examination and assessment of the state of the main organ of the orchid - its root system. It is on how much it is preserved and will depend on all further actions taken.

Step 1 - Inspection of the root system

To inspect the roots, you need to carefully remove the orchid from the pot and clean the roots of the substrate, washing them under a stream of warm water. After drying the roots after bathing, but taking it from 30 minutes in summer to 2-3 hours in winter, you can go on to assess their condition. The living roots of the orchids are dense and dense to the touch. The color of living roots varies from dirty white to light brown. The decayed roots are dark brown in color and soft-slimy to the touch.

Step 2 - removal of rotten and dry roots

The next step is to remove all dead parts of the root system. Cut them with a well-sharpened knife, after which the slices should be sprinkled with ground cinnamon or crushed activated carbon tablets. Depending on what percentage of the roots are left after cleansing, there will be a different strategy for salvation. Even 15% of the remaining roots of the orchid are enough to safely recover and develop normally. But even if the roots do not remain completely, it is quite possible to save the orchid.

Step 3 - resuscitation

You can reanimate the orchid in several ways:

In addition to the condition of the roots, the number of free time for the florist will be a fundamental factor in choosing the method of saving the orchid. For example, will he have the opportunity during the day to change several times in a container with an orchid water or to ventilate a greenhouse.

How to save an orchid - method 1

If the orchid has enough living roots, then after cleaning the root system it can be planted in a small pot filled with a substrate . Since weakened roots do not allow the orchid to fix itself in the pot, for the first time it needs to be strengthened additionally. As with all patients affected by the orchid, it is necessary to organize sparing conditions: to place it in a well-lit but protected from direct sunlight spot, to ensure the correct drinking regime. It should be remembered that weakened roots can not fully absorb moisture from the substrate, so watering the orchid should be very carefully, slightly moistening the substrate from the atomizer. Excellent results for the restoration of the root system gives the lower watering of the orchid, when water is poured into a saucer, in which there is a pot.

How to save an orchid - method 2

If the orchid has no living roots at all, then it is best to reanimate it with the help of a greenhouse. To do this, a layer of drainage is poured into the spacious container - claydite, on top of which a layer of moss is laid. Moss is better to buy in a flower shop, because wild can be infected with parasites and pests. Top on the moss laid damaged orchid, covered with plastic or glass hood and create in the greenhouse conditions of high humidity and temperature. After 10-14 days on the orchid, the first roots will appear. When the roots reach 3-4 cm, it can be planted in a normal substrate.

How to Save an Orchid - Method 3

You can revive the orchid and with the help of ordinary water. To do this, it is placed in a container of water in such a way that the water touches only the very tip of its lower part. After 12 hours, the water is drained off, and after 12 hours it is poured again. The temperature of the air should be at least + 25 ° C. The appearance of rootlets with this method should be expected in 6-10 weeks, but sometimes this period can last up to six months.