Soluble chicory - useful properties and contraindications for health and weight loss

Perennial herbaceous plant of the family Compositae - chicory. Its stems have flowers of blue, pink or white. From the leaves of cultivated species, salads and side dishes for dishes are made. The root is thick and strong, it is used to make a unique beverage - a substitute for coffee. Store shelves have a large selection of such product as instant chicory, useful properties and contraindications of which remain an open question.

What do soluble chicory do?

The root of the plant is dried and treated. It passes the extraction method in several stages - excess moisture is removed in the evaporator, as a result, the resulting raw material is screened through a special sieve and packaged. In the past, natural coffee was scarce. The main affordable option for most of the population was a drink from chicory, what is useful is soluble chicory for the body - everyone knew before.

Which chicory is more useful - ground or soluble?

To date, market offers have formed 3 main types on offer:

How to decide what to buy - soluble chicory or ground? The matter of taste and choice of each individual preference. The usefulness of the soluble and ground product is the same - the treatment method maximizes the preservation of medicinal properties, rich flavor and full flavor. It is more convenient to prepare sublimated.

What is useful for soluble chicory for the body?

The soluble variant is saturated with useful substances, it contains vitamins and trace elements. The benefit of soluble chicory is that they are available in a drink. They contribute to a good mood and good health, the formation of a strong immune system. The root is rich in vitamins: A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C, E, K, PP, choline.


When making a choice, you should carefully study what it is made of. Drink without additives is the most ideal option. A number of manufacturers include in the list of ingredients of the supplement: ginseng, dog rose, cinnamon, schisandra. Unscrupulous can add ground acorns, and if the user does not have to try the present, you can be disappointed, besides, the consumer may have contraindications to these or other components.

What is useful for soluble chicory for men?

Men spend a lot of time outside the house. They do not have enough time to take care of their health. A good stimulant, to maintain health and increase energy, will be a drink from chicory. A few cups drunk throughout the day will help to adjust the internal organs and prevent certain diseases, if there are no contraindications to its use. The use of soluble chicory for men:

  1. Favorable effect on the digestive organs - will support the normal functioning of the pancreas, liver and intestines.
  2. Promotes the development of bifidobacteria in the digestive tract - exerting an anti-inflammatory effect on the membranes of internal organs, is able to have a therapeutic effect on the stomach ulcer, cirrhosis, hepatitis. Eliminates dysbiosis and constipation.
  3. Normalizes the work of the heart and blood vessels - lowers the high blood pressure , which is important for those suffering from atherosclerosis, tachycardia, ischemic heart disease and dilates blood vessels.
  4. Supports the work of the central nervous system. Will get rid of migraine attacks, lack of sleep, depression.
  5. Positive effect on the brain, thanks to the presence of vitamin B.
  6. has a diuretic effect that positively affects the work of the urological system.
  7. Reduces blood sugar in patients with diabetes and serves as a preventative against sickness to a healthy person.
  8. As a preventive against osteoporosis.

How useful is soluble chicory for women?

Natural components, which has in its composition the root of the plant, endowed it with a number of medicinal properties. It is widely used in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals. With the processing of raw materials, the usefulness of soluble chicory is preserved. Therapeutic effect and preventive effect:

The use of instant chicory for weight loss

To assert that soluble chicory for weight loss is an ideal remedy, it is impossible. In the composition of chicory is inulin - it prevents constipation, absorbs toxins, contributing to the development of bifidobacteria, has a diuretic effect. Passing through the digestive system - inulin, like a sponge, displays heavy metals. Changing the diet, adding sports or loads plus - eating chicory without sugar will positively affect the figure. Soluble chicory has useful properties and contraindications, which must be paid attention when using it for any purpose.

How to brew soluble chicory?

A special secret is how to brew soluble chicory correctly. When cooking for the first time, do not add a large amount of powder, trying to get a saturated color. Although it is useful, it is not for everyone to like its taste from the first sip. But after all, and the super-coffee that was cooked without taking into account the wishes to taste, can disappoint.

How to drink soluble chicory?

Drink is characterized by astringency and bitterness. For a few uses without difficulty you can determine a more pleasant combination and proportion. As with ordinary coffee - sugar at will. For those who are interested in how to drink soluble chicory with benefit to the figure, there is one rule - do not add anything. If initially the taste is disappointing, you can reduce the dose of the sweetener in stages, and then eliminate it altogether.

Is soluble chicory with milk useful?

The use of soluble chicory is due to the presence of protein and fructose. The lack of caffeine allows you to use it before bedtime. Toning the body, it perfectly cleanses the liver . If you drink soluble chicory with milk, you can reduce your appetite. A high concentration of inulin will bring the intestinal microflora in order, antioxidants will have a rejuvenating effect on the body. It can be used in small doses during pregnancy and lactation, if there are no contraindications from the doctors.

Harm of soluble chicory

Soluble chicory, useful properties and contraindications of which depend on the methods of use, can also bring harm. With all the usefulness of this product, taking it in large quantities is not desirable. You should take into account the individual characteristics of each and the presence of some problems. Has soluble chicory contraindications to use for a number of ailments: