Mucus in the feces of infants

Our valorous doctors are very fond of treating non-existent diseases.

Often, having found a baby with feces and mucus and turning to a doctor, you will be told that the whole blame is dysbiosis. This is the most commonly used diagnosis in any matter with the digestive system. However, according to the generally accepted canons of medical diagnoses, such a disease simply does not exist. The doctor who determines this disease is not worthy of a minute of your time.

Slime in the feces of a baby - not always a problem

The intestine of the baby is formed up to 6-8 months. At this time, the chair does not remain the same. The consistency of the baby's chair depends on breastfeeding. Fat content of milk, amount of received front (nourishing) and rear (fat) milk, frequency and duration of feeding. The best medicine for a baby is proper breastfeeding . Mother's milk contains everything you need. Antibodies, immunoglobulin A, anti-infectious proteins, bifidus factor, which contributes to the formation of normal intestinal microflora.

If the stool of the baby is green with mucus - this is not always an occasion to run to the doctor. The first chair of the baby is dark green. If breastfeeding is properly organized, approximately on the third day after birth, the feces of the child change. The chair becomes green. After 6 months, children begin to feed. Then the mucus in the stool of the baby can testify to the reaction to new products. If the child is active, cheerful, sucking his chest and normally growing, then the chair does not have to worry much about the mother. Proper nutrition is the guarantee of a child's health. Perhaps, it is worth consulting with a specialist in breastfeeding.

It is not necessary to panic at once, having found out in a chair of a baby slime. In the large intestine contains a significant amount of mucus. It is necessary for the formation of stool. If the peristalsis of the intestine is accelerated, the mucus simply does not have time to mix with feces. At the same time, the color of the stool can range from orange to green.

Also, in a baby, a stool with mucus may appear due to taking medication.

When is it worth paying attention to the condition of the child's chair?

However, if you find the following symptoms in your baby, it is advisable to consult with a specialist:

Having found a baby with feces and mucus, it is recommended to revise your own diet. After all, a similar reaction can occur on any products used by the mother. In this case, a nursing woman is better to go on a diet. If feces with mucus in a white baby, with veins or interspersions - it is worth considering. Such manifestations are possible because of:

The exact cause of the ailment will be established by the doctor. Do not risk your child's health by self-medication.

In no case should not stop breastfeeding. Mother's milk carries protective factors that help the baby's body cope with the disease. Also, with breastfeeding, the normal intestinal microflora will form much faster.

Do not just do it for no reason, take all sorts of tests. Baby health should be supervised by a qualified specialist, the first time coming at home. Once again, taking the child to the hospital for tests, you run the risk of catching a virus or infection from sick children. And this is not necessary!