Unloading day on rice

In order to avoid misunderstandings, we will immediately warn that there will not be any sense from a day of unloading on ordinary white rice. This cereal is so purified that it does not conserve complex carbohydrates and useful fiber, which means it is almost useless for your health. A fasting day on rice requires trying to find brown rice or wild (black) variety. It is this product that can benefit your body!

How to spend a fasting day?

Are you new to unloading? Use the following rules and you will not make mistakes:

As you can see, everything is very simple. And you need only hold out for a day!

Unloading day on rice: menu

In order for the diet to benefit, you need to prepare in advance. In the evening on the eve of unloading, pour 150 g of rice (slightly less glass) with clean water. In the morning, rinse the rice, boil it without salt and sugar - the dish of the day is ready! Divide the whole amount into 4-5 equal portions and eat during the day. For dinner, you can add some fresh vegetables.

Remember that once a week, a fasting day, like unsystematic days of unloading, does not bring benefits. Choose 2 days a week, not running in a row (Monday and Wednesday, for example), and "unload" them regularly.

The best results are brought by days of discharge every other day. Those. on odd days you have the usual food, on even - rice unloading. Thus, in just a few weeks you can significantly lose weight!

Exit from a fasting day

Do not dramatically change the diet from a small and correct to an abundance of harmful food. The next day after unloading, at least once a day, eat a portion of rice with vegetables.

In other words, if you like brown rice with all your heart, the unloading days on it are a wonderful method and enjoy it to the fullest, and lose weight. But those who are to the rice is without much enthusiasm, eating it about 3 times a week will be quite difficult. However, the added fresh vegetables significantly change its taste, and thus you can diversify the menu.