Caviar with garlic for summer

Honey mushrooms are perishable fungi and are therefore often used as the basis of caviar. As a rule, for preparation basic ingredients are used: onions, carrots, tomatoes and garlic, which are perfectly combined with honey agarics. Caviar from winter for garlic - a unique snack in its simplicity, which allows to try forest gifts at any time of the year.

Recipe for roe with garlic

Preparation of mushroom caviar can turn into a pleasant pastime, if you strictly follow the technology of this process. Before making caviar with garlic, fried mushrooms are cooked about half an hour in two waters. The readiness of the fungi is determined by subsidence at the bottom of the pan. Mushrooms are fried separately from other vegetables and only after grinding are combined.



Go through, clean and cook honey agaric for half an hour, changing water twice. Arrange the chopped onions until cooked, combine with the boiled mushrooms and keep on the fire for a quarter of an hour. Cool the mushroom mixture chopped in a meat grinder, and fry for a couple of minutes, adding crushed garlic, and then lay the eggs on clean jars. Boil the finished product for a quarter of an hour, cover with sterile lids and store upside down until completely cooled. Send mushroom eggs for storage in the cool.

Caviar with tomatoes, carrots and garlic

Mushrooms are perfectly combined with tomato paste or fresh tomatoes. These ingredients not only impart a spicy tomato flavor to the mushroom roe with garlic, but also enrich with its color the winter billet.



Peel and washed honey mushrooms in salted water until settling to the bottom, periodically removing the foam. Grated carrots, fry until cooked, add the onion pieces and continue cooking. Blanched and peeled tomatoes are cut into cubes and combined with vegetables. Cook the fried mushrooms in a separate frying pan for a couple of minutes, season with chopped garlic and combine with the rest of the ingredients. The resulting mass of grind in a meat grinder and, spreading on sterile jars, closing the lids, send to the cold for storage.

Caviar with garlic - Recipe for cooking

The variety of recipes for this simple dish, based on available vegetables, allows you to experiment with various ingredients and spices, affecting the severity of the winter billet. Caviar with fried garlic will help the hostess to prepare dinner with the family, and also serve as an acute seasoning for hot dishes.



Peel the mushrooms for half an hour, until they settle completely to the bottom of the dishes. Throw it on a sieve and dry it. Fry in chopped onion and chill. Scroll through the meat grinder onions and mushrooms. Cook the caviar in a frying pan, and fry for a couple of minutes. Grind the garlic through a press with the mushroom mass, and hold it for a while on the fire. Spread the mushroom preform on a glass container and boil for half an hour in a small amount of water. In sterile eggs pour the vinegar and close the lid. Keep the finished product in the cold.