Individuality - how to become a strong personality, developing an individuality?

The child comes to this world already unique, with a set of typological and genetic features inherent only to him, and in the process of socialization becomes a personality with an individuality, which, according to Russian scientist-psychologist A.G. Asmolov must be defended in society.

What is individuality?

Mankind as a species as a whole has many unifying characteristics: gender, race, color of eyes and hair, etc., but there are parameters that distinguish a particular person and manifest themselves fully in the process of socialization of the individual. Individuality (from the Latin Individuum - individual) is the distinctive features of each person manifesting themselves in uniqueness and uniqueness:

Individuality in Sociology

The personality of a person is an integral link in the development of society as a whole. The social structure, with its norms and rules, has a direct impact on the formation of the individual and unites people as carriers of the given society. The manifestation of individuality in sociology can be expressed by variations in life strategies in the course of self-realization - they all are different due to the experience they have gained.

Individuality in psychology

Scientific psychology divides the development of man into certain stages, during which the personality acquires certain new formations (abilities, abilities, character traits ). From childhood, passing through crises (1 year, 3 years and 7 years), the child learns many vital things, and reveals the first talents. Individuality is - in psychology, three integrated forms of development:

Modern psychology considers individuality of a person as a complex multidimensional system with inherent regularities. The most important indicator of the successful manifestation of individuality is the creative energy of the individual, which is basically a creative basis. Formed individuality can be traced to the contribution (spiritual, material) that a person contributes to social development.

Signs of individuality

Man is born with his tasks, aspirations and mission. The environment, from the parental family and ending with the society, introduces its limitations in the form of prohibitions, norms, attitudes and traditions. As an element of society, people have these correspondences in themselves and are similar in this. Then how is the formation of the uniqueness of the individual? The concept of individuality has many levels, the integrity of which can only be measured with the help of mathematical statistics. Factor personality includes the following features:

Personality - is it bad or good?

People are accustomed to divide things, events, phenomena into "black" and "white." Everything has its polarity. The qualities characterizing the personality can be in an overabundance, becoming sharply negative by the standards of society and the individuality of the person is not an exception. The individual style of the artist and the individual "handwriting" of the offender are colored with different shades of moral attitude. Individuality that turns into eccentricity causes people, at least - bewilderment.

Does the collective suppress the individuality?

The human individuality on a certain segment of the path needs a group where it can flourish and be realized. A person begins to grow professionally, to excel in the results of activity or the quality of work of the "middle peasants" of the collective - a conflict is formed between the group and the individual. A pronounced personality causes irritation among the rest of the team, who are mediocre of their duties. Another scenario develops in creative collectives, where the individuality of the person is only welcomed.

What is the difference between an individual and personality?

Concepts Individuality and the individual stand in a single row with reference to the descriptive characterization of people. The individual is the first definition that can be attributed to a born person, used as a biological term. Social psychology distinguishes between similar concepts at first glance:

The individual (Latin - integral, indivisible):


What is the difference between personality and personality?

The uniqueness of a person is expressed in her personality. These two concepts are often synonymous with each other. It is impossible to find an individuality outside the personality. Psychologists say that the personality becomes much more complex, the individuality is inherent in every person and only the person who has formed can fully reveal his individuality to the society. In the psychological context of the definition, personality and personality have differences:



How to become an individual?

The famous saying O. Ould says: "Be yourself, the other roles are busy." Today it has become fashionable to express individuality, stand out among others. But whether this individuality, which makes one draw attention to itself in a positive, memorable aspect, everyone defines it himself. The development of individuality involves a huge inner workings of the individual: