Can kiwi be given during breastfeeding?

During the baby's feeding with breast milk, one should take very careful consideration of your diet. In particular, young mothers often have to give up a number of products that can provoke allergy and other undesirable reactions in crumbs.

Especially often anxiety in nursing mothers is caused by exotic fruits and berries, for example, kiwi. This juicy and sweet fruit contains in its pulp a large number of vitamins and minerals, but at the same time, it is a strong enough allergen. In this article, we will tell you whether it is possible to eat kiwi when breastfeeding, or from this "shaggy berry" it is better to refuse until the end of the lactation period.

Benefits of Kiwi in Breastfeeding

One small fruit of kiwi contains quite a lot of vitamins - A, C, D, E, B6 and others. Also in its composition there is potassium and folic acid - the elements that the kid needs for proper and full development. Finally, kiwi is a source of fiber, thanks to which many young mothers solve the problem of constipation, often occurring in the early postpartum period.

In addition, this berry differs from other foods in low calorie and moderate sugar content, so that it can be consumed even by women who suffer from diabetes or try to get rid of the fat that often appears during pregnancy.

Can I eat kiwi with GW?

Answering the question, whether it is possible for nursing mothers of kiwi, it should be noted again that this berry is a very strong allergen. At the same time, if a young mother during pregnancy allowed herself to eat it, without experiencing any negative consequences, most likely, during the lactation, nothing unpleasant will happen either.

Anyway, enter kiwi in the diet during the infant feeding breast milk should be very cautious and not before the performance of the baby 3 months. From this age, a young mother can eat a small piece of this berry and watch the reaction of crumbs for 2-3 days. Only in the event that no rashes on the child's body appeared, and his digestive tract continues to function normally, a portion of the kiwi can be increased.

At the same time, young mothers, who have gastritis, stomach ulcers or any kidney disease, "furry berry" can cause harm. In all these cases, before eating a kiwi, you should always consult a doctor.