Storytelling - types and secrets of marketing reception

What is storytelling? The concept for a Russian citizen is new and unusual. But the essence of it is clearly understood even by ignorant people, because the favorite way of conveying information to each other was and remains story telling. The principles of creating storytelling are the rules by which a harmonious plot line is built.

Storytelling - what is this?

Information is firmly assimilated by the opponent, if it carries a semantic load, which is related to his life, character, actions. For example, a person is told the word "lemon", and under the influence of an associative series, he has a clear visual image and physical reactions. If you say "mangosteen", then before the mind's eye there will be a big question mark.

The interlocutor in perplexity: what is it, where it is applied, for what purposes? Storytelling is a direction of literature, which uses colorful, exciting, intriguing stories. They evoke a lively response from the listener, as the details of the plot directly resonate with his own life and the moments he is familiar with.

Types of storyboarding

The story, which the author tells, is full of events and adventures, in which real or fictional heroes take part. The method of storytelling can be used both for a wide population, and for a small group of people, and even for one person. Distinguish its main types:

  1. Social storytelling . In collectives people can combine common interests, hobbies , work direction. Information is presented in the form of rumors and gossip, which are transmitted from one to another. People admire, become upset, frightened, envy and "try on events for themselves." How would they do, what would they say, what output would be found from the situation? Any of the listeners draw their own conclusions.
  2. Cultural storytelling . These are stories in which the concepts of morality and morality pass by a "red thread", questions of faith are touched upon.
  3. Inexplicable . This category includes information that can not be verified and verified in its authenticity, but its plot excites and excites, causes a feeling of fear, confusion. This kind of storytelling is interesting because a person is immersed in a world of the unknown, in which he has to survive without help, to cope with problems in dangerous situations.
  4. Family . The stories deal with the continuity of kinship, the memory of past generations and their achievements. For example, one of the relatives received success and recognition through exceptional creative abilities or the ability to complete any business that has been started.

Storytelling in marketing

The products are in high demand, when buyers are eager to buy it. Storytelling in business - the right advertising move, allowing you to evaluate all the advantages of buying. To do this, interesting stories are created that can penetrate the very heart of the audience and locate numerous potential customers.

Basics of storytelling in commerce: encouraging employees to work productively. The manager or the leader tells the stories that lead to action, the ability to act outside the box in difficult situations. Motivation to new achievements turns routine activity into a way of self-realization for each of the employees. The profit is growing, the company's affairs are flourishing.

Secrets of storytelling

Dry, faceless texts are not remembered and do not evoke a lively response from listeners. The themes for storytelling can be different, but they combine their presence of the hero, content details, emotions and output, in which there is morality. The listener presents himself in this situation, ponders what decision he would take if he were in place of the hero.

How to write storyboards?

To write stories used art style. How to write storytelling, if you did not have to do this before? A dynamic plot with the first words should capture the attention of the listener. Most people are capable of focusing on a specific object for 20 minutes. It will be difficult to recruit them with your narrative again. An instructive colorful story consists of:

Storytelling - books

Literary talent is not a gift given from above, but the result of many years of work. The art of writing and telling fascinating stories can be mastered by reading fiction and scientific literature, writing independently small stories. This will help books on the topic of storytelling:

  1. Annette Simmons "Storytelling . How to use the power of stories? ". The well-known writer shares her readership with the widely spread method of persuading people in the West.
  2. Paul Smith "The Master of Stories . Conquer, persuade, inspire. " The author offers more than 100 ready-made stories, the models of which can be used independently.
  3. Natalia O'Shey, Natalia Lapkina "Fairy tales told in October" . Writers introduce readers to 7 famous Irish legends. They like children, and adults can use storylines for storytelling.