Ipomoea annual - planting and care, how best to use the vine in landscape design?

Decorative Ipomoea annual, planting and caring for which include only a few rules, can become a decoration of the garden and balcony. This creeper has many leaves and is characterized by abundant flowering. There are different varieties, differing in the color of their buds.

Morning glory in landscape design

To a greater extent this plant is used to decorate any vertical surfaces, for example, fences, columns, arbors and so on. Original looks are planted near the variety, flowers of which are of different shades. He is interested in how still one-year-old morning glory can be used, so, ideas in landscape design allow the planting of flowers when decorating different horizontal surfaces, for example, flowerbeds and living carpets. The plant can be planted in garden vases and pots.

Cultivation of morning glory on the balcony

To decorate the balcony and make it a mini-oasis, you can use for this ipome. It fits perfectly with petunias and nasturtiums . The abundance of green foliage on the vine will serve as a protection against the sun, but bright flowers will please the eye. Planting morning glory on the balcony and caring for it are identical to the scheme when planting in the open ground.

  1. Plant the bushes in the balcony boxes so that there is a distance of 10-15 cm between them.
  2. For proper maintenance it is indicated that a balcony grill, a special mesh or stretched threads can be used as a support.
  3. To grow a beautiful morning glory, the annual planting and care of it should include pinching the top for better bushing, and it should be done after growing a fifth leaf.
  4. Note that the plant has limited nutrition, so it is important to carry out regular watering and feeding.

Ipomea - growing in a pot

If you want to plant seeds in the pot, then note that it should be large, so for one bush you need at least 3 liters of soil. At the bottom, always put a layer of drainage, because this culture does not like stagnation of water. The substrate must be light and loose. Many are interested in how many seeds of glory in the pot, so in one pot you can settle a few bushes, the main thing is that there is a distance of at least 20 cm between them. In the pot, build a support, for example, from bamboo sticks in the form of a wigwam.

Midsummer Flower - Planting and Care

For the cultivation of this one-year-old culture, it is necessary to choose the right site, which should be in the penumbra, because under the bright sunlight the petals will quickly fade. It should be borne in mind that small flowers are formed in the shade. In the instruction concerning how to plant an annual Ipomee, it is indicated that the soil in the site of planting should be loose and slightly acidic. In addition, please note that the liana does not like the wind.

How to plant Ipomoe into the open ground?

Most gardeners are sowing directly into the soil, and doing this is important according to the instructions:

  1. The selected area should be well loosened to a depth of 15 cm.
  2. Seeds must be plucked and germinated. In the hole to a depth of 3 cm, put 3-4 pcs. The distance between plantings should be at least 30 cm.
  3. Be sure to pour the holes and after two weeks the seeds should ascend. Planting of morning glory and outdoor care means that from the appeared seedlings you need to choose the 3 largest ones, and the rest to be removed.
  4. When five leaves appear, squeeze the tops to provoke the formation of lateral shoots.

When is growing from seeds - when to plant?

Many gardeners are confident that this plant normally tolerates sowing directly into the open ground, without sprouting seedlings. The main thing is to do this when the cold recedes, as the temperature even at 2 ° C may cause the death of the crop. The secrets of growing an annual Ipomee indicate that the planting should be carried out at stable high temperatures - late April and early May.

Ipomea - growing out of seedlings

If you want to plant a flower by seedling, then you need to follow this pattern:

  1. Sowing is carried out directly in the pot, because the root system of annual glory does not like transplantation.
  2. Planting on the seedlings of the morning glory and caring for it, produce in a universal soil or in a mixture obtained from a part of sand, peat and earth.
  3. Sowing seeds should be done at a depth of 3 cm, covering the ground with water and watering everything.
  4. Shoots should appear in a week. Note that for growing 20 plants you need a box with an area of ​​30x30 cm.
  5. To grow a good seedlings of the morning glory, annual planting and care implies the installation of a support for the stems.
  6. It is recommended to use additional lighting for seedlings. Lamps should work in the morning and in the evening for 3 hours. Transplant to the site is carried out when the bushes are already strong. Between them should be a distance of 30 cm.

When to plant Ipomoe on seedlings?

If you want to protect yourself and pre-grow seedlings. Plant the seeds in pots in March-April. Previously, this should not be done, because the flower grows rapidly, and in 2-3 weeks it will be possible to disembark in the open ground. Planting of the morning glory on the seedlings should take place when the temperature at the landing site is above 10 ° C, since these are indispensable indicators for the good development of the annual flower.

Ipomoea flower - care

There are several procedures necessary for proper growth and development of shrubs.

  1. Growing of morning glory and care for it necessarily includes watering and loosening of the soil. This annual plant does not tolerate drought and water stagnation. Loosening is necessary in order for the roots to receive oxygen.
  2. Proper care indicates that it is important to fertilize the soil, which is carried out during the period of active growth, and it should be done every three weeks. For this purpose, suitable additives for cacti and ornamental flowering plants. There should be no nitrogen in the mixture, since it will provoke active formation of foliage, but it will not be possible to see the flowers.
  3. In annual glory it is important to remove shoots that have been diseased or damaged.
  4. Lianas with improper care can be attacked by fungi and viruses, while white edema is a physiological disease. The fungus appears in most cases with waterlogging, and it is necessary to fight it with the removal of the damaged area and treatment of the bush with a fungicide. If the flower decays, it is important to completely get rid of the plant. Viral diseases are not amenable to treatment, so burning the bush is carried out.
  5. As for pests, one-year-old morning glory can attack a spider mite , and to get rid of it, sprinkle the bush with cold water. If aphids attacked, then treat the bush with soapy water. If these methods did not help to cope with pests, then use systemic systemic treatment .