Jam from the viburnum

Kalina has long been famous for its medicinal properties and is considered one of the best folk remedies that help with colds. Prepare jam from jam with minimal heat treatment or even without it, you will provide yourself with an impressive vitamin reserve that will not only help get rid of the disease and improve immunity, but also simply complement the cup of tea for dinner or after dinner.

Jam from the guelder-rose "Pyatiminutka"

The appearance of berries and their valuable properties are preserved to a greater extent with their minimal heat treatment. The preparation of this kind is the jam from the Kalinina Pyatiminutka.



  1. Initially, the weeded berries of the Kalina are rinsed and dipped in a metal sieve into a pot of boiling water.
  2. After five minutes of blanching, remove the sieve from the water and let the berries drain.
  3. We combine sugar and water in the saucepan and heat the mass with continuous stirring until the sugar crystals are dissolved and the syrup boils.
  4. We lower into the boiling sweet mass prepared blanched bilberry berries and boil them after boiling for five minutes.
  5. We leave the container with the workpiece aside and let it cool down.
  6. Again warm the jam to a boil, cook for five minutes and then cool again.
  7. For the last time we give refreshment to boil, then we pour it on sterile and dry glass vessels, we seal it tightly and after cooling we send it to storage for other blanks.

Jam from Kalina without cooking - a simple recipe

The technological process of the previous recipe does not take five minutes, as its name says, which described the variant of the delicacy received thanks to the time that goes to the heat treatment of berries. But the jam from the viburnum for the winter according to this recipe does not take more than five minutes, except for the time for sterilization of the cans.



  1. Kalina is cut off from twigs, washed, dried with napkins or a towel and pierced to the state of mashed potatoes in the blender tank.
  2. Now we connect the received mass with granulated sugar, mix and pack on sterile jars.
  3. Covered with loose lids, we store the blood vessels in the refrigerator.

Jam from the viburnum - a recipe through a meat grinder

Just like in the previous case, the billet under this recipe is not subjected to heat treatment, thus preserving the valuable properties to the maximum. Such a delicacy is not kept long and only in a cold cellar or on a shelf of a refrigerator.



  1. Prepared properly washed berries dry on a towel or spread on paper for a while.
  2. We pass the prepared raw material through a meat grinder and connect it in an enamel or glass vessel with sugar-sand.
  3. We mix the constituent blanks to the maximum dissolution of sugar crystals, after which we pour it on sterile jars and cover them with capron cap.

Jam with caramel and honey - recipe

This variant of preparation of the jam is laborious and troublesome, but the taste of the obtained delicacy is most delicate and soft.



  1. We rinse the calyx berries under running water, after which we lower them for a couple of minutes into boiling water, then merge onto a sieve, let it drain, and then drain it.
  2. Next, grind the prepared berries through a sieve, separating the inner juice and pulp from the bones and skins.
  3. The resulting tender mashed potatoes are mixed with honey and spread over sterile and dry small containers.
  4. We keep the containers sealed with lids on the shelf of the refrigerator for storage.