Russian folk games for children

In our age of computer technology, children are less and less in the open air and play active games. This contributes to the emergence of many problems and diseases, such as obesity, impaired communication, antisocial mood, scoliosis and much more.

But children's outdoor games solve many of these problems. They cause positive emotions, attach the child to his culture and traditions, develop motor activity and coordination. They bring children together, evoke team spirit, help to be more open in the manifestation of their feelings and emotions. And also perfectly relieve fatigue and mental tension.

Folk games in kindergarten


Babes become in all corners of the room, and change places, running from corner to corner. The driver tries to run into another corner faster than the other participant.


Participants sit in a row next to each other, holding their hands in front of them with their arms extended closed. The presenter hides a ring in his hands and holds his hands between the palms of each participant, pretending to lower the ring to them in the palm of his hand. But the ring falls only to one participant. When the host passes everyone, he takes three steps from the participants and says:

Ring, ring,

Come out on the porch!

The one who had the ring should run out to the facilitator, the other participants must in time understand who has the ring and catch him without letting him run out.

The interest of the game is that the presenter should portray the ring in hands as plausibly as possible, and the participants should play along with it.


All the kids take off their shoes. The presenter mixes it and gives a signal. Children should not see how the shoes were mixed, at the signal, they run up and look for their pair. Who will find his pair faster and properly trained, he won.

Winter folk games for children

The Russian folk tradition - the modeling of a snowman, can be turned into a contest. You just need to break up the children into two or more teams and give the task to blind the most beautiful snowman faster than the rest.


Children are divided into two teams. They make barricades out of the snow and shoot each other with snowballs. The one who fell into, goes into the team of the enemy. The one that defeats the opponents wins.


One participant is chosen - frost. Opposite each other are the houses. All participants are in the same house. Frost says:

I'm Frost - Red nose,

Everyone froze indiscriminately.

I'll deal with everyone soon,

Who will decide now

In the long way to start!

Participants answer him and run to another house:

We are not afraid of threats

And we are not afraid of frost!

Frost tries to touch the running participants, thereby freezing them. Those to whom the frost touched - freeze. When everyone crosses, the next round is announced, the frozen ones stay in their position. The frost will be the one who was frozen last.

Folk games for children


Two teams are unlikely to be opposite each other, holding hands. With the help of the counters, the one who will break the chain is selected.

The option of counting:

On the golden porch sat -

The Tsar, the Tsarevich, the King, the King's son,

Shoemaker, tailor.

Who will you be?

Speaking counting, the leader points to the opponents with his finger, in turn. At the word "such" one participant drops out. He says who will be, for example - the king's son.

The scroll is pronounced again, and to whom the word "king's son" drops out will drive.

The selected participant runs to the opposing team and tries to break the hands of any two people. If it broke - takes one of the opponent's team, if not - becomes one. The team with only one participant will lose.