Kundalini Yoga: Exercises

Kundalini yoga is a practice that corresponds to the needs of modern man. It will help you to adapt as much as possible in such difficult conditions of reality: to be active, creative, cheerful, mentally and physically healthy.

In kundalini yoga, asanas are called kriyas, a set of respiratory and physical exercises that are accompanied by mantras. Each kriyi must be performed in a strictly designated time. In itself, this is a sequence of static, dynamic exercises and relaxation that are aimed at achieving a certain effect - for example, kriya, which relieves the accumulated pain, or kriya, which releases the passage of energy along the spine.

Kundalini yoga training gives energy and vitality, teaches you to radiate light. Performing a daily morning complex, kundalini yoga will help you to find cheerfulness and a good mood for the whole day.

Kundalini Yoga: Exercises

The complex of kundalini yoga is quite diverse. But there are several basic exercises that are believed to bring you happiness and success, eliminate pain and guilt:

  1. Sit with your legs crossed and your back straight, leave your eyes open, put your hands on your knees with your back and relax your hands. With one movement, raise your hands and bring them back to the stop. Simultaneously, make a powerful exhalation through your mouth and with a powerful breath, return your hands to their original position.
  2. Sit with your back straight and your legs crossed. Pull your arms above your head up, do not bend your elbows, your palms should look forward, and pull your thumbs and send them to each other. Closing your eyes, start to rotate your hands, while describing small circles. The right hand moves clockwise, and the left hand - against. The movements of the hands can not be synchronized, the main thing is not to stop. Exercise takes about ten minutes.
  3. Sit with your back straight and your legs crossed. Close the large left finger with your left nostril, the other fingers should look up, inhale through the right nostril. Change the position of the fingers: close the right hand nostril with the index finger of the left hand, open the left nostril and inhale through it (inhalation left, exhalation of the right nostril). This exercise can be repeated from three to ten minutes daily.

These exercises also improve digestion, help normalize the emotional background of your inner world and integrate the work of your two hemispheres of the brain. With the full complex you can see from the video below.