Japanese Salt Diet

This diet is an excellent example of what diet to sit on is not necessary. However, if you do not have high health and you are burning desire to say goodbye to the promised 7-10 kg, then this is what you need. So let's figure out what the Japanese salt-free diet for weight loss is and whether such a salt-free diet for health is harmful.

What can you eat with a Japanese salt-free diet?

Compilers developed a certain diet, which allows you to get rid of 7-10 extra pounds in 14 days. To adhere to such a diet for more than 14 days is extremely dangerous for health. This system of nutrition is not balanced, that is, the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is far from normal. Therefore, a long follow-up to this diet will not only spoil your stomach, but can also knock down hormonal cycles.

The diet of the diet provides 3 meals a day, while breakfast consists exclusively of tea or coffee, so it is difficult to call it a meal. It is forbidden to eat salt, sugar, alcohol and flour products. At the same time, allowed products can be eaten practically 2 times a day, not more than 300 g. Failure to meet the ratio of a sufficient number of proteins, fats and carbohydrates will provide a constant feeling of hunger (lack of fat), bad mood and absent-mindedness (lack of carbohydrates), loss of muscle mass (lack of protein). There may be disruptions, which leads to unsatisfactory results and discontent with oneself.

Why is a salt-free diet useful?

Salt is a regulator of water-salt balance in the body. It is through dehydration and loss of fluid to followers of the Japanese salt-free diet can achieve results. Of course, a complete refusal of salt is considered very useful. At the same time, an obligatory condition is sufficient consumption of greenery and vegetables.

The effectiveness of such a power system is impressive, if strictly adhere to the rules. Weight loss can reach 7-10 kg in two weeks. Therefore, if you need to lose weight urgently before an important event - such a diet will help you out. However, it is always necessary to remember that extra pounds are not purchased for a couple of weeks, and not even for a couple of months. Radical measures for losing weight, as a rule, provide a good result. But if you do not limit yourself in the diet constantly, the dropped weight will return.

Bessol a diet for pregnant women can be useful to avoid excessive swelling. But refusing to eat salt, you need to ensure a balanced diet, so that the future mother and baby receive the necessary vitamins and trace elements.

The Japanese salt-free diet has quite certain contraindications. It can not be adhered to pregnant and lactating (restriction of salt intake is certainly useful, but the Japanese salt-free diet is too radical), children and adolescents. Also not recommended for people with diseases of the digestive system, athletes and those who are engaged in heavy physical labor.