How to remove fat from the back?

The back is one of the most beautiful parts of the female body. But, unfortunately, often this beauty is carefully concealed by the fatty layer. This problem is quite common and there are many such women. Are you one of them? Well, this is not the end of the world, and you can really help. Let's see how.

Probably, you more than once had to think about how to remove this fat on your back. But due to the specific location and distribution, getting rid of fat on the back is a little more difficult than on other parts of the body.

Not every woman is ready to give time and energy for physical exercises every day, while for a long time the procedure for liposuction is known to everyone. And with it, you can quickly and effectively remove fat from the back. But do not forget how hard the recovery period is, that the first months after the operation your life will be completely different. And then, no one will insure you against the re-occurrence of this problem. Because you can just be inclined to completeness and the consequences that follow.

Therefore, we recommend resorting to surgical intervention only in extreme cases, when physical activities, massages and diets will not bring the desired result.

So how do you remove the fat from your back?

Say a few words about your lifestyle. If you want to remove fat from the back, then in addition to the various exercises, you will need to slightly adjust your daily life. Try to behave more actively during the day. Instead of driving a couple of stops on public transport - walk on foot, and climbing into the office or home, instead of the elevator, give priority to the stairs. Is the principle clear? Excellent.

Further we strongly recommend that you enroll in the pool. Attend it is recommended at least 2 times a week. This is a very effective way to help remove fat on your back. And besides this, swimming has a favorable effect on your posture, which will add grace and femininity.

How to remove fat on your back with exercises?

Exercise 1

Starting position: standing on all fours, hands and knees at the width of the shoulders, and form straight corners with the body. At the same time straighten the right arm and left leg, and slightly bend in the back. Go back to the starting position. Repeat 8-10 times for each side.

Exercise 2

Starting position: sitting on the floor, lean against the back to the straight arms, legs straight. Then tear off the buttocks from the floor and lift them up, the head at this time reclines back. Lock your position for a few seconds. Go back to the original. Repeat 8-10 times.

Exercise 3

Starting position: sitting on a chair, the body tilted forward at an angle of about 45 degrees, the foot completely stands on the floor. In the hands take weighting agents (dumbbells) weighing about 1 kilogram. Then, bend your arms in the elbows and pull them back (try to pull the shoulder blades together). Perform 8-10 times. If it's hard for you, then you can limit the number of repetitions to three by three.

Exercise 4

Starting position: lie down on the floor, on the stomach, hands pull forward, legs straight. Simultaneously, perform lifting of the arms and upper body and legs up. Lock your position for 10 seconds. Go back to the original. Repeat 8-10 times. When doing this exercise, you can use weighting agents, like dumbbells, and a stick for exercises. And also being in the position of the boat, you can swing back and forth.

Exercise 5

Starting position: stand on all fours, hands and knees at right angles to the body. Perform a "cat", that is, deflections backwards and forwards. Perform 10 times, each time fixing its position for a few seconds.