Sour cream with cottage cheese

Smetannik with curd more like an old version of the familiar dessert: white biscuit cake , black sponge cake and sour cream in the middle. Cheese curd - this is quite an ordinary cheesecake, not a classic, of course, but very similar to it. Biscuit base and light curd cream on top - everything you need for a perfect tea party.

Recipe sour cream with cottage cheese

For biscuit:

For cream:


Before you make sour cream with cottage cheese, you should make a biscuit base for it. For the base, we first adjust the oven temperature to 180 degrees. In the mixer bowl, combine flour, baking powder and sugar, add soft butter, sour cream a little lemon juice, vanilla extract or vanillin, as well as three eggs. We knead the dough to obtain a mass of a homogeneous consistency.

We make a portioned dessert, so lay out a tablespoon of dough in an oily cake form. Bake all 10 minutes, and then lower the temperature by 60 degrees.

For cream, beat the fat cottage cheese with sugar and salt, add vanilla and eggs. We wait until the mass turns into a lush, homogeneous cream, which should be disintegrated on cooled biscuit bases. Bake sour cream another 14 minutes and serve.

Sour cream with cottage cheese and sour cream


For biscuit:

For curd cream:


Whisk egg yolks with salt and sugar, and add to the yolk mixture flour, sour cream and baking powder. We knead thick dough. Separately beat the egg whites to hard peaks and carefully put them into the dough, trying to minimize air losses.

Pour the dough into the prepared form and bake for 18 minutes at 180 degrees.

We let the cake cool down, and we take the cream ourselves. We beat the ground cottage cheese with sugar and sour cream, carefully add starch. We spread the cream over the cake and bake for 40 minutes at the same temperature. Ready sour cream should cool before cutting.