Mesotherapy for weight loss

In an effort to achieve the ideal proportions of the body, women try all kinds of diets, visit fitness centers, and do various cosmetic procedures. Often spent money and time do not want to return in the form of a smaller volume of hips or an improved face oval. The annual season tickets for the sports club and beauty salon are coming to an end, a lot of useful products have been drunk and eaten, and cellulite has not disappeared. What to do?

There is an exit! Mesotherapy or so-called "beauty injections".

Mesotherapy Technique

Frenchman Michel Pistor developed a technique, the essence of which is that using a syringe under the skin is injected with a drug solution. Initially, the method is designed to pinpoint the areas of the skin that require attention, so you will not be able to lose a large amount of excess weight in this way. In case you want to get rid of a large number of kilograms, do not expect that mesotherapy will do a miracle. A good result is the disappearance of 3-5 cm in the problem area.

There are several varieties of this procedure: for weight loss, from cellulite, from stretch marks. Determine in advance what exactly you want to achieve. For different results and medicinal solutions are used different. Wrong treatment and the result will not be necessary. How many sessions are needed, only a doctor can tell, every time this is decided individually. On average, the full course is from 10 to 15 sessions.

It should be noted that the drugs used in the mesotherapy, do not cause physical dependence. However, there are cases when women who notice a significant result, have a certain psychological need to do the procedure again and again.

Methods and types

Mesotherapy can be carried out in two ways: manual and hardware. Regardless of the method chosen, there are still disadvantages. Manual technique requires a lot of time and high qualification of the doctor, the hardware costs significantly more and increases the likelihood of complications.

Mesotherapy from cellulite is a cycle of sessions based on the introduction into the middle layers of the skin of an individually selected medication cocktail with fat-splitting action. The number of procedures is determined individually.


In general, the method of injecting subcutaneous injections is still better than surgical intervention. Mesotherapy can solve many problems, both physical and psychological. A wide range of drugs available for administration under the skin, includes the necessary amino acids, minerals and vitamins, as well as other substances useful to the body.

If you decide to use these medical advances in order to restore your former beauty, improve your forms and forget about complexes, remember that the effect will not be achieved after 1-2 procedures. In advance, calculate whether you can afford to spend a full course. In addition, to maintain the result, you need to periodically repeat the sessions. And most importantly - be careful. Do not trust your face and body to unqualified doctors who perform the procedure in questionable clinics at a lower cost. From the level of a specialist depends largely on how you will look at the end of the course.