Methods of contraception

Every woman has the right to decide when to give birth to a child. But, given the circumstances, a woman of our time needs to do everything to make the pregnancy planned. Nowadays, medicine has moved forward sharply in contraception and offers, in turn, a wide range of contraceptives.

Methods of contraception

Female contraception does not have a universal way of preventing pregnancy. The method of contraception, which is suitable for one woman, may not be suitable for another for a number of physiological and psychological reasons. Therefore, we will consider in more detail the types of contraception.

Barrier contraception

"Barrier" contraceptives are devices or devices that prevent the penetration of sperm into the vagina. The barrier can be mechanical in the form of: a cap put on the cervix of the uterus, a diaphragm that protects the uterus, sponges, and also the chemical, when the means for destroying spermatozoa are introduced into the vagina.

The diaphragm is a domed rubber cap with a rubber rim, inside it is a metal spring. In the cap is spermicidal paste or gel. She is put on for an hour or half an hour before the sexual intercourse and is removed 6 hours after the application.

The sponge is made of synthetic fiber with natural collagen. Sponges are impregnated with spermicides. To use it, you need to moisten the sponge in warm water and insert it into the vagina for an hour or half an hour before coition.

Oral Contraception

Oral contraceptives are artificial hormones that neutralize the action of hormones that are present in the body. Contraception, which is a tablet, contains a different amount of estrogen (ethinyl estradiol) and a progestin. Modern oral contraceptives contain low doses of estrogen (20-50 μg in one tablet). They are used for 21 days with weekly breaks between cycles. But the tablets, which contain only progestin, are taken without interruption.

Contraception without hormones

This is a chemical contraception, presented in the form of capsules, cream with an applicator, tampons, vaginal tablets (Pharmatex preparations for this type of contraception are available in the pharmacy), vaginal films (Ginofilm), suppository (Patentex oval). They are inserted into the vagina before intercourse and not only help to avoid unwanted pregnancy, but also reduce the risk of infection with certain infections.

Contraceptive means

Contraception in the form of a candle is divided by its composition into benzalkonium and nonaxaline salts. These substances act destructively on the membrane of spermatozoa, which reduces their activity and, as a result, the fertilization of the egg cell is impossible. The candle is injected deep into the vagina before coition. Its action lasts about 40 minutes.

Contraceptive intrauterine device

It prevents the movement of spermatozoa and the subsequent fertilization of the egg.

The advantages of this method are several:

  1. Providing protection for pregnancy for 4-10 years.
  2. Does not affect the hormonal background of the whole organism, does not disturb the maturation of the egg.
  3. Can be administered after delivery and used during breastfeeding.
  4. The frequency of pregnancy is less than 1% per year.

Hormone ring contraception

The hormonal ring is a contraceptive circle with a diameter of 55 mm and a thickness of 8.5 mm. One such ring is calculated for one menstrual cycle. He is placed in the vagina at home for three weeks. The hormonal soft ring adapts to the individual female contours of the body and occupies an optimal position. For 21 days, under the influence of body temperature, it releases into the blood a low hormonal dose (estrogen and progestagen), absorbed through the mucous membrane of the vagina and prevents ovulation.

Do not forget that you should not always use the same contraceptive, but you do not have to experiment with your body. And remember that the best contraception is the one that does not harm your health.