Mushroom caviar from boiled mushrooms

There is a lot of mushroom roe recipes. Today we will offer options for brewing from boiled mushrooms .

Delicious mushroom roe from boiled mushrooms for the winter



To prepare mushroom eggs you can use as one kind of mushrooms, and use mushroom assortment. Initially, we thoroughly wash the mushroom mass, removing it from contamination, and put it in a suitable vessel. If different types of mushrooms are used, it is better to sort them first in different capacities, since the cooking time of representatives of a certain kind may vary. Fill mushrooms with a small amount of salted water and place on the cooker. We maintain the product with a moderate boil until ready and soft. Depending on the variety, this may take from twenty to forty minutes.

Now merge the mushrooms into a colander and leave for a while to drain from excess moisture. Meanwhile, we clean the bulbs and shred them as small as possible in cubes, and grate the carrots through a medium grater. Pour into a saucepan or a deep frying pan vegetable oil, warm it up and put in bowl originally onions. After five minutes, add the carrots and fry the vegetables for another five minutes. During the seasoning of vegetables, we twist the mushroom mass through a meat grinder or we treat it with a blender and put it into a container to roasted vegetable mass. We add vegetable oil, we throw laurel leaves and pepper, we pour the preform to taste and let it under the lid with stirring for one and a half hours. At the end of the preparation we pour in the vinegar, mix the caviar, pack it in sterile jars, cover it with lids and loosen it on the shelf of the refrigerator for storage after cooling.

Mushroom caviar from boiled mushrooms with tomatoes and garlic



Caviar for this recipe can be cooked either from boiled white mushrooms, or from boletus or even champignons. The taste will be different, but in any case interesting and worthy.

Mushrooms are initially sorted, carefully washed and boiled until ready in salted water to taste. Simultaneously, we put cooked and washed carrots, which are cleaned on readiness and, together with the mushroom boiled mass, we grind in a meat grinder or in a blender. Bulbs must be cleaned, finely chopped cubes and fry on vegetable without the smell of oil to rudeness.

Twisted mushroom mass, carrots and fried onions we put in a saucepan, put on fire and tommim with periodic stirring for twenty five minutes. During this time we will prepare tomatoes properly. We immerse them for a couple of minutes in boiling water, after which we pellet with ice water and peel. Next, shred tomatoes as small as possible or simply grind them in a blender and spread to mushrooms with vegetables. In the same manner, grind and Bulgarian sweet pepper. We podsalivayem caviar, pepper, add sugar and lemon juice and let the moderate fire for about twenty minutes or until the evaporation of excess moisture. For a couple of minutes before the end of cooking, we put in the caviar grated pre-cleaned garlic teeth. It remains only to pack caviar on sterile jars, cover them loosely and put them in the refrigerator for storage.