Psychology of work

The psychology of labor deals with the study of the manifestation and development of the psyche in labor activity, and also the correspondence of human qualities with the results of work. This science has a close relationship with other psychological directions. The psychology of labor uses different methods of study. For example, there is an analysis of existing documents, which makes it possible to understand the specifics of the work. Work is still being monitored, interviewed, self-observed, etc. The study of working capacity fluctuations is of great importance in the psychology of labor, which have to do with stress , fatigue, daily rhythm, etc. Thanks to this, it turns out to reveal ways, establish stable performance and quality of work. The "Golden Rule" of labor psychology implies a comprehensive impact on the production scheme for the successful increase in the effectiveness of the activity, which includes: the person, the subject of labor, the means of work and the environment. Perhaps this is only in the implementation of the mutual conformity of the subject and position.

The main problems of labor psychology

This science is engaged in studying approaches and methods for solving certain problems that may arise as a result of activities, such as:

  1. Possible development of man as a subject of labor. This category includes the formation of work capacity, assessment of competence, psychology in crisis, etc.
  2. Formation of individual style and forecasting of professional suitability.
  3. Psychology of design and evaluation of activities, as well as ways to manage product quality.
  4. The actual problem of labor psychology is the calculation and prevention of possible injuries and accidents.
  5. The influence of human characteristics on the effectiveness and safety of activities.
  6. Calculation of the laws of professional fitness of a person.

The psychology of labor is aimed at facilitating labor activity, which, moreover, must become productive, safe and meet material needs. With its help it is possible to adapt labor to man and vice versa.

Occupational safety psychology

This branch is engaged in studying the psychological causes of accidents that have emerged as a result of the work. Basically, these are mental processes that appear due to activity, the individual state of a person, and also because of the personality's personality . Dangerous factors for life can be divided into explicit and potential. The first category includes problems that already exist and require measures to eliminate them. Potential factors include those that may arise due to inadequate activity or malfunctioning techniques. Psychology of security allows you to solve some problems of labor:

  1. The significance of the human factor in the process of occurrence of accidents. It is mandatory Technical data and psychological analysis are taken into account.
  2. Identifies ways to increase work efficiency, as well as methods and means of ensuring security.
  3. Identify special methods of training, activities and other ways that provide a safe and secure environment for work.

The methods of labor safety psychology in the modern world with its technological progress are quite relevant and important. In general, there are many industry areas that provide labor safety: fire service, builders, etc. The main task of psychological security is to reduce physical, social and even spiritual dangers to life.