Psychological effects on humans

Communicating and interacting, people "study" each other. We say that we know someone like our own five fingers, which means that this person has studied us. Predictability makes us vulnerable, and unpredictability gives us power. Especially important is the unpredictability of the speaker. He can disarm, subjugate, cause admiration and crowds, if he can do something that is not expected of him.

The ability to be unpredictable, in a way, is also a method of psychological impact on a person. However, now we will deal with the methods of manipulation in more detail, of course, without forgetting to add to each of them a "pinch" of unpredictability.

Types of impact on people

First of all, let's talk about the methods of psychological impact on a person, which we involuntarily, without knowing it ourselves, use it all and often.

  1. A request is more than a manipulation, especially if you are dealing with a weak-willed person. To ask, therefore, to incline to the fulfillment of your desire. In the requests we call to satisfy our needs, needs.
  2. Argumentation - use when you are sure that your interlocutor does not know how to build logical arguments on the move. A synonym for argumentation is conviction. The purpose of this type of psychological influence on a person is to create or change the opinion or point of view of the addressee of persuasion in such a way that he is guided by it in his activity.
  3. Ignoring - this technique can be used for manipulation, and for your own defense against influencing your own psyche. Ignore means intentionally neglecting, not paying attention.
  4. Advertising or self - promotion - this is what we all practice. With this method of psychological impact on people, we create an opinion of ourselves in their heads with their own hands, associating himself with high-ranking people, demonstrating power, competence, skills.
  5. Suggestion is working with verbal constructs. This method is owned by psychiatrists, scammers, hypnologists. With the help of suggestion, there is an effect on the psyche, in which critical thinking disappears. The craftsmen of suggestion are street fortunetellers, who do not have time to say a couple of words, as you already find yourself without rings, watches and a purse.

How to choose the technique of manipulation?

Specialists in psychological methods of exposure to humans know how to see our vulnerable points. Life experience, education, upbringing, heredity - all this is well read by the eyes of a specialist.

This should be remembered not only for gaining power over the psyche of other people (as in hypnotists), but also in order to protect yourself from the invasion of extraneous minds in your head.