Mnemonics for Preschoolers

Unfortunately, it is not always possible for a child to master meaningful speech in the way it is supposed to, for a variety of reasons. Among the many ways to help children learn how to speak properly, a special place is occupied by mnemotechnics for preschoolers.

Not all parents are familiar with this concept, but in practice it turns out that the development of the speech of younger preschool children through mnemonics is nothing more than associative images. With the help of them, parents, without understanding themselves, teach their child, simply reading to him books in verses, accompanied by pictures, teaching him cheerful quatrains like "every hunter wants to know ...", and the like.

Technology mnemotechnics for preschoolers

Scientists who observe preschoolers with a lag in the development of coherent speech, found that the use of mnemonics in them significantly accelerates the pace of learning. After all, these kids, who have a small vocabulary, often have problems with a coherent arrangement of words in the sentence, with difficulty in remembering words.

There are various books on mnemonics for preschoolers, for which both professional teachers and speech therapists are successfully engaged, as well as the parents themselves. It is not difficult to master them at all. To improve the memory of the baby, his attention and imaginative thinking can begin with simple methods / here is a recommended list of books and methods for mnemonics:

  1. Т.Б. Polyanskaya "Using the method of mnemonics in teaching stories to children of preschool age."
  2. Cicero's method.
  3. Aivazovsky's method.
  4. Ushakov's method.

The development of mnemonics was worked by such teachers as TA Tkachenko, E.N. Efimenkova, V.P. Glukhov, Т.V. Bolshova.


Remember rhymed lines are not all children. But this skill perfectly develops memory and is very useful in school years. It will be necessary to draw, or even better, print small cards with pictures that will match the words from the verse.

Birdie, birdie (picture with bird),

On you water (bowl with water),

Jump from the branch to me (picture with a tree branch),

I'll give you the seeds (the baby spills the grains on the ground).

Having looked at the children's books, you can find that each line has its own picture. But in order not to look for such books in the store, you can make them yourself. Thus, the child very quickly remembers any rhyme and in due course already spreads the pictures in the required sequence, accompanying the process with a poem.


You can tell a fairy tale with a simple tablet. It is divided into the required number of sectors, each of which has its own schematic image. Words to them can be in verse form or in the form of a fairy tale. For example:

In the garden rose turnip (a picture of turnips). Grandfather came on a cart to harvest (cart with a horse), and there already hosts a bear (an image of a bear). Grandfather suggested that the bear take the tops, and his roots (a picture with tops and turnips). The bear tried the tops and became angry (the image of an angry bear).

Mnemonics, used in the correction of speech of preschool children is very diverse. In addition to tables and poems, it can be stories in pictures with missing words, instead of which images are drawn. Or you can use games to determine the sequence (dressing, growing plants, etc.). Children really like this game learning process during which they, without noticing, master the competent speech.