Cod - caloric content

Cod - edible fish from the Treskove family, dwells predominantly in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, in the northern seas. Cod is one of the most important objects of mass fishing, a valuable food product. The average body length of the caught commercial species is from 40 to 80 cm.

The use and use of cod

Cod - fish is very profitable used. The cod liver is an excellent delicacy containing up to 74% fat (raw materials for popular canned food). The flesh of the cod is white, it has a pleasant taste, it is an extremely useful and widely available product, from which it is possible to prepare delicious and healthy dishes (including dietary ones) in various ways (cod caviar is also very useful and tasty when cooked correctly). The cod contains a sufficient amount of protein, valuable amino acids, vitamins (mainly B, D and PP groups), as well as many microelements needed by the human body (sulfur, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus , calcium, zinc and iodine compounds ). Cod in the diet is able, in some way, to replace white meat.

The flesh of cod is a low-calorie product due to the low content of fats (and, of course, the complete absence of carbohydrates). Conventional caloric content of cod fillets is on the average only about 69 kcal per 100 g. That is, it is a wonderful product for those wishing to grow or keep a figure. Correctly cooked dishes from cod can be eaten without restrictions (of course, in reasonable quantities). Limitations - only with hypotension , as well as with cholelithiasis or urolithiasis.

Usually cod is prepared in various ways, namely: dryers, cooked in broth and steamed, stewed, fried and baked.

Drying cod after preliminary salting in a saline solution, this is one of the oldest methods of harvesting fish for long-term storage. This product should be used with caution, especially - people with high blood pressure, and also prone to swelling, with problems of excretory system. Dried cod before consumption or further cooking from it can be soaked to reduce the percentage of salinity.

Cod fried



Heat the oil in a frying pan. Fish (in the form of whole fillets, slices or steaks) we pour in flour and fry from both sides to a beautiful golden brown tinge. Do not fry fish, as they say, in a crunch, that is to overcook - it's not useful.

Caloric content of fried cod is about 111-137 kcal per 100 g. As the cod is fried rather quickly (for 5-12 minutes), this dish can be considered quite useful. Although, of course, it is more useful to bake fish.

Cod boiled



Scraped and gutted carcasses are cut across into portions of convenient size for food.

In the boiling water in the pan, lay the peeled onion (whole), the root of parsley and spices. Slightly greasy. Boil for 15 minutes over medium heat and lay the pieces of fish. There should not be a lot of liquid to make the fish broth tasty and full. We wait for boiling and, having reduced fire to a minimum, we boil cod for no longer than 12 minutes. Do not forget to collect noise. Turn off the fire (you can add 1-2 slices of lemon), cover with a lid and let it brew for about 10 minutes. Boiled cod is served well with a bowl of broth in which it was cooked, with potatoes or rice, fresh herbs, vegetable pickles and delicate light sauces.

Caloric content of cod boiled or steamed can be about 78%.