Why is it useful?

Kostyanika - a perennial plant with red berries, which also has medicinal properties, but tastes like garnet.

What is useful berry berry?

The composition of the berry bushes includes many useful substances. Among them:

In folk medicine, this berry is widely used. Of the leaves and fruits make broths.

Bone stone is a soothing agent. Decoctions from the plant reduce heat. It is very useful to people suffering from anemia, it also helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and cleanse the body of toxins.

The useful properties of the forest bones were known to our ancestors. They often used it for stomach upset, choking, menstrual irregularities. Infusions from this plant were helpful in catarrhal diseases and cystitis .

Also, the bones well helps when:

In folk medicine, roots, leaves and berries are used. The fruit juice of the plant removes cholesterol from the body.

Traditional medicine does not strongly trust the medicinal properties of this plant. However, according to the numerous experiences of Tibetan monks, the barn is one of the most useful plants on earth. It is not only used in non-traditional medicine. It is also often used for food: they make jams, seasonings for meat, mors, jelly , tea.

It is possible to argue for a long time about the usefulness of the bricks, but its medicinal qualities themselves speak of the value of this berry for humans.