Okroshka - calorie content

Okroshka is considered a traditional Russian dish. It is prepared on kvass, kefir, whey, meat broth. With the advent of mayonnaise, okroshku began to fill with this product, as it improved the taste and gave satiety.

This dish is prepared mainly in the summer, as it refers to cold soups. Varieties of okroshki so many that almost everyone can choose a prescription, based on the characteristics of their health and nutrition. Vegetarians can cook okroshka only from refueling and vegetables. Meat eaters can add meat, sausage, eggs to it. Those who want to lose weight can choose low-calorie recipes of okroshka, which will saturate the body with useful substances and will not bring extra calories.

How many calories in okroshke?

Caloric content of okroshki depends on what is included in its composition, how much and how it is filled. Even meat okroshka can be a low-calorie dish, if the main emphasis in the dish is transferred to vegetables, and meat to take lean and in small quantities.

The low-calorie will be okroshka on kvass without adding eggs and meat products. Caloric content of okroshka on kvass is about 30 units. When you add a high-calorie cooked sausage, the amount of calories will increase to 85 units. Okroshka on kvass with lean beef contains approximately 57 units.

Caloric content of okroshka on kefir is slightly higher than that of dishes filled with kvass. In this case, the amount of calories will depend on the percentage of fat in the kefir used for the krill. Vegetable okroshka on kefir contains only 38 kcal, while adding sausage and eggs, the calorie content may exceed 100 units.

Caloric content of okroshka on mayonnaise is about 73 units. The more vegetables and greens are added to the dish, the lower the calorie content. Adding eggs, meat, and especially sausage to okroshka increases its caloric content by several times and makes it unacceptable for dietary nutrition.