Pilaf in the microwave

A real pilaf is cooked in a cauldron. But if there is a microwave, and there is no time to fiddle with cooking, we'll tell you how to cook a pilaf in a microwave oven.

Pilaf from pork in a microwave



We prepare the products for cooking pilaf in the microwave: my pork, dry it and cut it into slices. Carrots three on a grater or cut into strips, that's how you like it. Onions cut into small cubes. Rice is well rinsed under running water for at least 2 minutes. Meat with onion fry in vegetable oil in a frying pan. In principle, this can also be done in a microwave oven, but it is more delicious in a frying pan. Then, pork, along with the roast piled in a bowl, in which we will cook pilaf, salt, pepper to taste, add spices for pilaf. We spread rice from above, and raw carrots on it. All this we pour a half cup of boiling water and put it in the microwave at full power for 20 minutes. The time can vary depending on the technical characteristics of the microwave oven. But in any case, after 20 minutes, get our pilaf, mix and try, if it's still damp, then put another 5 minutes.

Plov's recipe with chicken in the microwave

Pilaf can be cooked not only from pork, it's also very tasty from a chicken.



Chicken fillet washed, dried with a napkin and cut into cubes. Onion, too, cut into small cubes, and carrots three on a large grater. Heat the butter, we put onions, a little fry and add the chicken, stir and fry a little more, salt and pepper rash to taste. To readiness to finish it is not necessary. Fold the chicken with onions in a microwave bowl. On top, put the washed rice, carrots and peeled garlic cloves. All this is filled with salted chicken broth. Cook in the microwave for about 30 minutes. Then we take out, we remove garlic, and we mix the pilaf and try it on readiness. If the pilaf with chicken in the microwave is already ready, we serve it to the table with a salad of fresh vegetables.

In pilaf with chicken in the microwave it is also possible to add mushrooms. Then pre-fry them with chicken and onions in a pan. With mushrooms, such pilaf will be even more delicious.