Salad "Olivier" with meat

Salad "Olivier" , although in a fundamentally non-authentic interpretation, became the property of Russian cuisine along with pies and jellies. A hearty and affordable salad is an honorable guest of almost all the holidays and is not uncommon even in the everyday menu. Calorie salad "Olivier" with meat is not inferior to the usual option with boiled sausage, but the taste and texture of the dishes are worth such sacrifices. About the preparation of everyone's favorite salad with different types of meat, we decided to talk in this article.

Recipe for salad "Olivier" with chicken meat



Chicken we boil in salted water until ready, after which the meat is cooled and disassembled into fibers. Potatoes and carrots mine and boil right in the peel, after which we also leave to cool and grind, cut into cubes.

Eggs boil hard boiled and also cut into cubes. Green peas quickly cook in boiling water and throw in a colander, let the peas dry and mix with all the prepared ingredients.

For the sauce, mix mayonnaise with lemon juice and mustard , add salt and pepper to the sauce, and season the salad. Before serving, "Olivier" should be completely cooled in the refrigerator, and the salad should be served on a flat dish, laying portions in a culinary ring and sprinkling with herbs.

Salad "Olivier" with beef meat


For salad:

For refueling:


Let's start cooking salad with the fact that we wash carrots and potatoes and put them to boil until ready in salted water. Similarly, we will prepare meat, but we cook it separately from vegetables.

While vegetables and meat are cooked, let's prepare home-made mayonnaise. Yolk 1 large egg whisk with lemon juice, vinegar, mustard and salt with a blender. Do not stop whipping, pour olive or vegetable oil in a thin trickle. Ready to put mayonnaise will cool in the refrigerator.

Boiled vegetables are cleaned and cut into cubes as well as beef. Eggs boil hard boiled and crushed. In a salad bowl combine all the ingredients and season the salad with homemade mayonnaise. Before serving, we cool the dish.

Olivier salad with crab meat



Potatoes are boiled in a uniform, after it is cleaned and cooled. Carrots rinse off excess mud and also cook in the skins until fully prepared, after which we clean and cut the cubes as well as potato tubers.

Eggs boil hard boiled and crushed in small cubes. Cucumber is peeled and also cut into cubes. The crab meat is taken up with fingers into pieces of medium size.

All the ingredients of the salad, except crab meat, we put in a salad bowl and dress with mayonnaise, after which we mix. Put the pre-chilled salad on a flat white dish, using a culinary ring. We crown the dish with a layer of crab meat. Olivier can be decorated with greens, or lettuce leaves, or you can put a couple of quail eggs stuffed with red caviar on a plate.